The Sunday Times/Opinions poll has suggested that Fine Gael is now on 24% support, up 5% from a previous poll in May (File image)

Poll suggests rise in support for Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil

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A new opinion poll has suggested a rise in support for Fine Gael and the Coalition and a fall in support for Sinn Féin.

The Sunday Times/Opinions poll has suggested that Fine Gael is now on 24% support, up 5% from a previous poll in May.

It also suggests that Fianna Fáil is on 20% support, up 4%, while it said the Green Party is on 4%, down 1%.

The same opinion poll also suggests Sinn Féin has seen its support fall significantly since the previous Sunday Times/Opinions poll in May.

It suggests that Sinn Féin is now on 18% support, down 9%.

Among other parties the poll suggests that Independents/Others are on 20%, up 2%, the Social Democrats are on 5%, down 1%, Labour is on 4%, up 1%, Solidarity-People Before Profit is unchanged on 3% and that Aontú is on 2%, down 1%.

The poll also suggests that 11% of people surveyed are undecided.

The Sunday Times/Opinions poll is based on the views of a sample of 1,000 adults who were asked for their opinions between 13 and 19 September.

The margin of error is plus or minus 3%.