Labour is proposing to fund 6,000 childcare places and a full year of paid parental leave (Stock image)

Labour says it will fund 6,000 public childcare places

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The Labour Party has launched its alternative budget proposals in Dublin.

It is proposing a suite of measures across the areas of income tax, cost of living, childcare, housing and retrofitting.

The once-off cost of living package amounts to €2.8 billion, current spending will amount to €6.2bn and the party is proposing new capital spending commitments of €2bn.

Labour said it will fund 6,000 new public childcare places per year for five years and a full year of paid parental leave.

It said it will provide an extra 6,000 social and affordable homes, taking public targets to 22,000 per annum. It also promised to double the rent tax credit to €1,500, pay out €300 in energy credits and fund free GP care for all children.

The party also proposes to spend the €14.1bn Apple tax windfall on housing, climate measures and health.

It said €6bn would be used to "seed" a State construction company through the Land Development Agency and €1bn to support water infrastructure and servicing of land.

A further €6bn will be sent on a national retrofitting plan, major public transport projects and buying State equity in offshore winds projects while €1bn will be spent on the transition to Sláintecare.