Archbishop Eamon Martin said that laws to permit assisted suicide was 'an affront' to a safe and protective society (file image)

Assisted dying laws should be opposed, says Archbishop

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The introduction of laws to permit assisted suicide has been described by the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland as "an affront" to a safe and protective society.

In a statement, Archbishop Eamon Martin said such legislation should be strongly opposed.

He referenced a bill which will be introduced in the Westminster Parliament tomorrow, proposing a change in the law to permit assisted suicide.

On Thursday, the Final Report of the Joint Committee on Assisted Dying will be discussed by Oireachtas members in the Dáil.

Archbishop Martin said society is defined by the extent to which it cares for the most vulnerable, including those with disabilities, terminal illness or nearing the end of life.

"While this is a Gospel imperative, it is noteworthy that medical and healthcare professionals are also gravely concerned at an evolving political ideology which would interfere with their calling to 'do no harm' and which would legally erode the right to life at all stages," he said.

He urged "all people of goodwill to contact their MPs as soon as possible to ask them to reject this law".

In addition, he called on Irish voters to contact their TDs and Senators ahead of the general election, to ascertain their commitment to protecting end of life care, and "to seek inclusion in election manifestos for investment to enhance palliative care and hospice provision".

During the summer, the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference published a pastoral letter reflecting the Church's teaching on care at the end of life.

It said that by legislating for assisted suicide or euthanasia, the State would contribute to "undermining the confidence of people who are terminally ill, who want to be cared for and want to live life as fully as possible until death naturally comes".

It added that people who are dying are entitled to be accompanied in a holistic way.

"We believe that palliative care services need to be more widely available, in hospitals and hospices and in the community," they said.