Watch: Dyslexia Ireland calls for extra exam time

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On World Dyslexia Day, there have been fresh calls for extended exam time for dyslexic Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle pupils.

Dyslexia Ireland, the charity which works with and for people affected by dyslexia, says that dyslexic students are being placed "at a distinct disadvantage" to their peers by not being given extra time to complete their exams.

Maureen Dunne is dyslexic and holds study skills workshops with young people through Dyslexia Ireland.

"This is about levelling the playing pitch," she said. "Pupils often tell me that time runs away on them, so we do a lot of work on how to pace themselves in the exam.

"But we notice within that, there's just not enough time to pace themselves properly, prepare themselves to write the question and also review their answer."

Watch our video to hear more from Ms Dunne.