In May, letters were sent to women with children living in Direct Provision who had received international protection status instructing them to leave their accommodation by 5 July (Stock image)

Call for lone parents to be exempt from DP evictions


A group of NGOs has called on the Minister for Integration and Youth to exempt lone parents from being evicted from Direct Provision accommodation.

In May, letters were sent to women with children living in Direct Provision who had received international protection status instructing them to leave their accommodation by 5 July.

Some parents received follow-up letters saying their new moving deadline was 18 July, while others received letters stating that their cases were under review and that they would be contacted "in a few weeks".

In the joint letter to Minister Roderic O'Gorman, the NGOs said the eviction notices are causing "untold stress and uncertainty" for the families.

The letter was signed by ActionAid Ireland, the Immigrant Council of Ireland, Social Justice Ireland and others.

"After having already started their lives from scratch when they arrived in Ireland they will be forced to do so again," the letter said.

"Now they face being uprooted from their communities, services and supports. This is particularly concerning as schools start and children are having to be moved just as the start back of the academic year.

"Their parents are now forced to scramble for alternative school places, special needs supports and medical support as soon as possible so their children do not suffer further," it added.

The organisations have asked for a meeting with the minister to discuss the issue.

In a statement in July, the Department of Integration said that while it appreciated transfers were not easy for people and that moving location could be very disruptive, "at all times we were clear that State-funded accommodation is temporary and subject to change".

"We need to provide the best we can for all those who came to Ireland fleeing the war in Ukraine, while balancing this with the requirement to make best possible use of State funds," the statement said.