The majority of those contacting gardaí are older men who are sharing their experiences with gardaí for the first time (file image)

Over 500 contacts to gardaí since historical abuse appeal


Gardaí have said they have received more than 500 contacts since their appeal three weeks ago relating to historical sexual abuse at schools run by religious orders.

The majority of those contacting gardaí are older men who are sharing their experiences with gardaí for the first time.

Gardaí have said the reports have predominately been made directly to the Sexual Crime Management Unit by email and telephone with others also done in person at individual garda stations.

A scoping inquiry earlier this month into allegations of abuse at schools run by religious orders found that there were 2,395 allegations of sexual abuse in respect of 308 schools recorded by the religious orders that ran those schools.

The allegations were made in respect of 884 distinct alleged abusers.

The inquiry recommended that the Government consider a redress scheme for survivors of historical sexual abuse in day and boarding schools. It also recommended that the Government approach relevant religious orders about contributing to redress.

In a statement this evening, gardaí said they are continuing to appeal for anyone wishing to report crimes related to historical sexual abuse in day and boarding schools run by religious orders to contact them.

They said the process of making direct contact back with each individual person who has contacted them "is a very sensitive process".

"Each person will be given the time and space to discuss their personal experience and An Garda Síochána will continue to support each person through the process at the pace and to the extent that they wish to engage with us."

Anyone wishing to make a report to gardaí can do so through the following options:

Phone: Garda Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Line on 1800 555 222 (This is a confidential and free service available 24/7)
In Person: At your local garda station