OPW chairman John Conlon told the Oireachtas finance committee yesterday that a new security hut

OPW spending 'needs to be explained' - Cairns

by · RTE.ie

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has called for a review of project spending by the Office of Public Works after revelations over the cost of the €1.4m security hut and €336,000 bike shelter.

Speaking to reporters at Leinster House at the launch of her party's alternative budget plans, Deputy Cairns said the OPW spend "needs to be explained".

"I would agree we need a review of the spending. I think it needs to be explained how over a million could be spent on a security hut and the taxpayer has a right to have all of the information in relation to these ridiculous overspends.

"For the public watching on and seeing from bike shed to security hut to children's hospital there needs to be an explanation," she said.

The Social Democrats leader was speaking after OPW chairman John Conlon told the Oireachtas Committee on Finance yesterday that a new security hut at the south gate entrance to Government Buildings adjacent to the Department of Finance cost €1.4m.

The revelation came after previous cost concerns were raised over a €336,000 bike shed less than 100 metres away on the grounds of Leinster House.

Speaking to reporters in New York yesterday while attending the United Nations General Assembly meeting, Tánaiste and Fianna Fail leader Micheál Martin said the security hut price tag is "ridiculous" and that he was "shocked" when he first heard about it.

"There's no need for that level of expenditure," the Tánaiste said.

"I think we need a fundamental review now of what's happening there, and full transparency in front of the Oireachtas in terms of the actual breakdown of costs, that does seem shocking in terms of what is there to cost that much money," he said.

Spending a source of 'frustration' - O'Gorman

Minister for integration Roderic O'Gorman has said the Government's use of taxpayers money is being raised by the public, describing it as a source of "frustration"

Speaking ahead of a meeting of the Cabinet, Mr O'Gorman said the spending is also an issue for ministers who are in the middle of Budget negotiations.

The Green Party leader said that every cent has to be fought over by ministers for investment in key public services and it is frustrating when situations arise where It looks like public money is not being well spent.

"It is deeply frustrating for me as a minister looking for greater investment in public services," he said

"It's coming up [OPW Spending] - people do not like to see their public money being spent inappropriately.

"It’s a source of frustration out there, it's also a source of frustration for us as ministers who have to run tight budgets and who have to make difficult decisions, especially at Budget time when we have to decide where to put additional funding," he added.