Party leader Holly Cairns said the Social Democrats wants to focus on the medium and long-term best interests of the country

Soc Dems target cost of living in alternative budget

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The Social Democrats has said it wants to prioritise investing in public services and help families with the cost of living crisis as part of its alternative budget plans.

The party outlined its priorities to reporters at Leinster House, just five days out from Budget 2025.

The Social Democrats alternative budget states that the party wants to invest in affordable housing, increase parental benefit to cover the first 12 months a child's life, what it describes as "genuinely" free education, and to increase "core" social welfare support.

Other policies include:

  • Building 12,000 new social homes and 10,000 affordable homes
  • Increasing core social welfare payments by €25 per week
  • Introducing a €30 per week Cost of Disability payment
  • Making primary and secondary education in Ireland fully free
  • A €1 off-peak fares reduction for public transport
  • Rolling out free GP care for under 12s
  • Increasing tax credits by €450

Party leader Holly Cairns said the Social Democrats wants to focus on the medium and long-term best interests of the country.

She also criticised Government parties for "flying kites about Budget measures" in recent weeks.