Bongiwe Mqokoyi wearing a doek (iqhiya), which represents showing respect to in-laws as a Xhosa woman. South Africa marks Heritage Day on Tuesday September 24. File photo.Image: SIPHOKAZI BAM

POLL | How are you celebrating Heritage Day?

by · TimesLIVE

With the public holiday falling on a Tuesday, what are you doing this Heritage Day? 

After the past weekend's cold weather that affected most provinces, many people are looking forward to just relaxing on what has been dubbed “Braai Day”, though there are several government events which have been lined up to celebrate the holiday.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his weekly newsletter on Monday, described the holiday as a celebration of the country's “rich cultural tapestry”.

“Having emerged from a painful apartheid past where indigenous customs, traditions and languages were denigrated and marginalised, Heritage Day is one of the most important events on our national calendar. 

“It is a valuable opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and for building bridges of tolerance and understanding between races and different ethnic groups,” he said.

Ramaphosa called on business and other stakeholders to work with the government in the cause of heritage preservation, particularly in marginalised communities. He said there was already laudable work being done in this regard.

“We have seen for instance how some of the country’s largest banks have supported the government's rhino conservation efforts. South African corporations have also lent their support to preserving South Africa’s musical and arts heritage.”

Eastern Cape premier Oscar Mabuyane will lead provincial Heritage Day celebrations in honour of King Hintsa kaKhawuta at Nqadu Great Place in Willowvale on Tuesday. 

This year marks the 190th anniversary of the sixth War of Resistance, also known as the War of Hintsa (1834-1835), where King Hintsa and other brave warriors like Nkosi Jongumsobomvu Maqoma fought against British colonial rule. 

The event will be part of the provincial government's Heritage Month celebrations, themed “Celebrating the lives of our heroes and heroines who laid down their lives for our freedom.” 

Basic education minister Siviwe Gwarube will address a heritage and literacy month event focusing on mother-tongue literacy under the theme “Language, Our Heritage Family Day” at Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Johannesburg.