Nthatheni Velelambeu Nembudani, née Phupheli, celebrated her 100th birthday at her Diepkloof home with her family in June. In the picture are her children Thabisile Nembudani, Sarah Bagani, Florence Nembudani, Muraga Johannes Nembudani, Evelyn Tshindane and Rosinah Mkhumeni.Image: Supplied

Soweto gogo who recently celebrated her 100th birthday has died

by · TimesLIVE

A Soweto gogo loved for ensuring her family maintains close bonds has died soon after celebrating her 100th birthday. 

Gogo Nthatheni Velelambeu Nembudani passed away on Monday, her daughter Florence Nembudani confirmed. Over the past fortnight, she said her mother had complained of pain in her leg and had been struggling to sleep.

She described her mother as a woman who loved people and always extended her help.

Despite being the last born and growing up without a father, she said she never experienced challenges being raised by a single parent.

“My dad passed away when I was only two years old but I didn’t see a gap that I did not have a father because she was supporting all her children financially and emotionally.”

She said when she was studying at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop), her mother would ensure she sent a monthly allowance until she completed her studies.

“She was able to provide. There was a time I even complained that I don’t have a radio and she gave me money and I bought a mini hi-fi.”

Her mother was the family historian.

“When anyone wanted to ask about their relatives, they would ask her, and she would explain everything about who is in the family.”

Gogo Nembudani will be buried in Limpopo, in Phadzima village in Venda. 

Her daughter said her mother will be missed by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  

“She was our pillar of strength in the family. Her English name was Elizabeth. We used to call her Queen Elizabeth of Mbudani.”