The Anglican Church in SA has rejected a proposal allowing its bishops to grant blessings to same-sex couples. File image.Image: Gallo Images/ ISTock

Anglican church shoots down proposal granting blessings to same-sex couples

by · TimesLIVE

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has turned down a proposal that would have given its congregations the authority to grant blessings to same-sex couples. 

The proposal was voted down on Thursday by a show of hands after a debate at the synod — a local or provincial assembly of bishops and other church officials aimed at resolving questions of discipline or administration.

The vote came despite an appeal by Archbishop Thabo Makgoba for a middle-ground solution that would allow bishops and congregations to support same-sex marriages. 

In his opening address he said: “Will we be able to craft a pragmatic, reconciliatory outcome which takes account of the differing pastoral needs for effective ministry in our varied dioceses which are called to minister in widely divergent contexts?” 

The proposal would have only allowed blessings. One plan expressly excluded marriages from church law.