A local rep for the Kildare-Newbridge MD previously told Kildare County Council and their fellow councillors that they are ‘watching The Curragh getting destroyed in front of our eyes.’ File photo.

LATEST: Department of Defence criticised over illegal encampments at Kildare County Council meeting

Kildare County Council said The Curragh ‘is a complex site, due to the number of bodies operating there’

by · Leinster Leader

Criticism was levelled at the Department of Defence at the most recent Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District (MD) meeting.

Back in July, Fine Gael councillor Tracey O’Dwyer told Kildare County Council (KCC) as well as her fellow representatives that they are 'watching The Curragh getting destroyed in front of our eyes.'

She was speaking in relation to a motion submitted by Fianna Fáil (FF) Cllr Suzanne Doyle, who asked KCC to engage with the Department and An Garda Síochána in order 'to seek an inter-agency response to the issue of illegal encampments on The Curragh.'

This motion prompted criticism of the Department of Defence in relation to the monitoring of The Curragh lands.

At the latest MD meeting, (Wednesday, September 18 last), Cllr O’Dwyer submitted the following motion to KCC: "That the council provides the members with a detailed update on the current status of The Curragh Plains Plan to include the makeup of the Task Force and the implementation plan and structure going forward to implement the plan as per the recommendations from the report.'

Her motion was seconded by the Mayor of the MD, and her party colleague, Cllr Peggy O’Dwyer.

KCC told Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer in response to her motion: "Kildare County Council is collaborating with the Department of Defence to complete a Draft Conservation Management Plan for the Curragh Plains.

"The Draft is in the final stages of review.

"Once completed, it will be presented to the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, Micheál Martin."

The motion was submitted by Fine Gael Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer. File photograph.

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KCC continued: "To progress to the next phase, amendments to legislation, funding allocations and resources need to be prioritised.

"The structure of the organisation(s) tasked with the future Management of The Curragh Plains will also need to be determined.

"A briefing to the elected members of this MD will take place once the Draft Conservation Management Plan is completed," KCC concluded.

Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer told KCC: "I am disappointed a little bit as there doesn’t seem to be urgency for this Plan."

She also asked KCC what its involvement will be going forward in relation to the matter.

Mayor O’Dwyer also weighed in, adding that she had concerns in relation to the presence of unauthorised developments in The Curragh.

Social Democrats (SD) Cllr Chris Pender also threw his support behind the motion, adding: "A lot of money has been put into this.

"Time and time again, we seem to be doing reports and Master Plans, and then they are left sitting on the shelf.”

"We need to be pushing this."

Fianna Fáil Cllr Suzanne Doyle also gave her views on the matter: "What has happened over the summer should raise the question of who should be looking after The Curragh.

"The abysmal and appalling carry-on [of unauthorised developments on The Curragh] leaves me without a doubt that the Department is not fit for purpose [to look over the lands]."

"The Department of Defence is a good name for them, as all they have done is defend themselves," she said: "If this was, for example, Phoenix Park, or any other national park, it wouldn’t be tolerated, so do your job [speaking to the Department]."

SD Cllr Pat Balfe also said that he supported Cllr O’Dwyer’s motion.

A representative of KCC who was present at the meeting said: "Legislative changes are key to this; once amendments to legislation, funding allocations and resources are Minister-approved, more details can be given to the members."

They added that KCC notes that The Curragh 'is a complex site, due to the number of bodies operating there.'

In response to this, Independent Cllr Tom McDonnell said: "Why not break up The Curragh between the different parties, as it is such a vast area? Something like that could be more manageable."

Cllr O’Dwyer then stressed to KCC that she believes there is 'urgency' over the matter.

The Department of Defence has said in the past that when it is made aware of illegal encampments on the Curragh Plains, the Department immediately informs gardai and liaises with them until the occupiers vacate the area.


FF Senator Fiona O’Loughlin earlier today (Wednesday, September 25, 2024) used her first question time of the new Seanad term to discuss the issue of illegal encampments on the Curragh Plains.

The Newbridge-based politician (whose brother Brian O'Loughlin represents the MD as a FF Cllr) said: "The ongoing issues with illegal dumping and encampments on the Curragh completely take away from its beauty for those who wish to use it daily and can deter people from utilising this local amenity. 

"The Curragh Plains is a truly unique landscape, and it is such a wonderful amenity for local people."

She continued: "I have been in regular contact with An Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, Micháal Martin, and his senior team, both formally and informally, to ensure that this issue remains high in his agenda."

"Today in the Chamber, I queried the long term and short-term strategy to tackle these issues; the Department confirmed that The Curragh Consultation identified that a review of The Curragh Bye-laws and The Curragh of Kildare Act would be timely.

"More immediately, the Department is engaging with the Chief State Solicitors office to identify legal avenues that can be pursued to address illegal encampments on The Curragh in the short term."

Senator O'Loughlin concluded: "The Tánaiste has committed his Department to ensuring that The Curragh Plains is incorporated as an important element of our shared heritage and is protected from illegal activity."