Oliver Lee, left, and Cllr Greg Brackenridge, right, are at loggerheads over the future of West Midlands Fire Service

West Midlands fire chief quits with extraordinary claims of 'untruths'

Fire Authority chairman Greg Brackenridge and the Home Office now face questions about what has been going on inside the emergency service

by · Birmingham Live

The interim chief executive of West Midlands Fire Service Oliver Lee has resigned. It marks the latest act in an incredible power struggle inside the emergency service.

Lee, a feted Royal Marines colonel, has walked away after an extraordinary month of claim and counter claim, saying he has resigned to 'do what is right'. In a razor-sharp parting shot, he has laid into those running the service's governing fire authority, with accusations of 'untruths'.

He also said he had raised concerns about the fire authority's governance 'with everyone right up to the Home Office...nobody did a thing."

Writing on his Linked In profile, he said tonight: "I have been threatened repeatedly, mainly to stay quiet on vital subjects in the public interest. I was threatened with an injunction from the High Court today. I will not be gagged. Nor will I destroy my family with vast legal bills. I have therefore resigned in order to do what is right."

READ MORE: West Midlands fire chief says 'it's them or me' as bitter dispute escalates

He said: "West Midlands Fire Service will now sadly continue as was when I inherited it: scared, cowed and not able to be itself. Viewing its leaders as selfish."

He goes on to cast shade at Cllr Brackenridge, husband of Wolverhampton North East MP Sureena, and the authority's monitoring officer Satinder Sahota. He accuses them both of 'not being truthful'.

He claims that fire authority chair Greg Brackenridge exaggerated to him his military service in the Royal Marines 45 Commando. Mr Lee also makes derogatory remarks about the service's monitoring officer Satinder Sahota.

Mr Lee has been under suspension this week pending an investigation, and his future was set to be discussed at a meeting of the Fire Authority on Monday. Mr Lee is also the subject of an as yet unpublished Section 5 legal notice, written by Mr Sahota, which alleges Lee overstepped his powers on at least two occasions, including when suspending his finance director over the accuracy of financial predictions.

Speaking to Birmingham Live only yesterday, Mr Lee said he had no intention of resigning, pledging to 'fight on'. He revealed he had been issued with a 'cease and desist' notice over posts he had put on his social media profile, which he had complied with, and that he was confident he would be found to have 'done nothing wrong'.

But clearly something has changed in the past 24 hours. Cllr Brackenridge also spoke earlier this week to BirminghamLive to address online claims that he was not entitled to refer to himself as a former Royal Marine. He said he stood by his right to use that term, which featured on his public profiles and on election materials.

He told us: "I joined the Royal Marines on leaving school and though I did not serve in battle or on the front line, I looked forward to a long military career. Unfortunately this was cut short for personal family reasons.

"This was devastating, as I loved what I was doing, as any young lad would. I find it incredible anyone would attack people who join the military and want to serve their country. I have served as a firefighter, now retired, and councillor to continue to serve my community.”

Coun Brackenridge said he had never claimed to have served on the frontline or seen active service. However, he refused to be drawn on the exact length of his service, and whether or not he attained the Royal Marines' green beret.

He said he believed those targeting him wanted to 'intimidate him' out of continuing in his part-time role at the helm of the authority, which governs and oversees the operational fire service. He said the police were investigating some of the messages sent to him.

We have reached out to Mr Sahota and Cllr Brackenridge for comment.