Emma Martin, 53, is a full-time carer for her daughter, Mia, 27, who has autism, epilepsy and learning disabilities.

DWP sending out 'unfair and unreasonable' letters costing people £1,500

Emma Martin, 53, is a full-time carer for her daughter, Mia, 27, who has autism, epilepsy and learning disabilities.

by · Birmingham Live

A woman who got a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ) saying she owes £1,500 says the system is broken. Emma Martin, 53, is a full-time carer for her daughter, Mia, 27, who has autism, epilepsy and learning disabilities.

While also working part-time, Emma claimed Carer’s Allowance - but she was later told she had breached the earnings limit of £151, meaning she owed cash. Emma said: "Juggling work and full-time caring is hard enough in itself without having to worry about whether we’re earning a few pence over and we’re going to be penalised for it. It’s a complex system that is broken and it’s not fit for us, it’s not fit for purpose.

"We have enough to deal with without having this on top of everything else as well. I didn't have any idea. I just got a letter through the post saying I owe around £1,500, from the DWP. That was really it.

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"There was no support system in place and obviously at the time, you panic, and it’s something that is really hard to get your head around. There is no one you can speak to about it. It’s unfair and it’s unreasonable."

She added: "Obviously I had to pay it back. I borrowed money and with hindsight, I probably would have said to them that I can’t afford to pay it back." Carers Trust chief executive, Kirsty McHugh, said: “A review of Carer’s Allowance overpayments is hugely welcome.

"Too many people have had their lives ruined by being pursued for huge sums of money simply because they made an honest mistake. These fines need to be written off and the systems allowing them to build up must be overhauled.“

The DWP yesterday announced a new review into Carer's Allowance overpayments following a series of reports into some people being left owing thousands of pounds - and sometimes even with a criminal record for benefit fraud.