Random: Hideo Kojima's Chronic Back Pain Symptom of Carrying Video Game Industry, Fans Say

Back Hurtman's done his back again

by · Push Square

Beloved video game designer and industry icon Hideo Kojima has hurt his back again. For those of you who are not closely monitoring the situation, Kojima first publicly reported back pain on 24th September. While we are not medical doctors, in our opinion, this could be a flareup of that original injury, but the auteur creator seems to think it's a separate thing. In both instances, many, many fans suggested that this targeted pain was the direct consequence of Kojima having borne the weight of the entire video game industry on his broad, capable shoulders for so many long years.

We trawled through hundreds of replies across the two posts, with dozens of well-wishers suggesting the same thing: that Kojima's pain stems from a repetitive strain injury caused by the heavy lifting done first at Konami (Metal Gear Solid) and later at Kojima Productions (Death Stranding). One fan memorably suggested that perhaps the creator, known for his fourth-wall-breaking marketing stunts, was heralding the inclusion of a new character, "Back Hurtman", in the upcoming Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, and we'd believe it.

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Take it easy, Kojima-san. We need you to be rested to continue performing at your peak. Do you think Kojima's now chronic back pain results from having carried the video game industry for so long? Remember to lift from your knees in the comments section below.

[source x.com]

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About Khayl Adam

Khayl Adam is Push Square's roving Australian correspondent, a reporter tasked with scouring the internet for the richest, most succulent PlayStation stories. With five years of experience as a freelance journalist and mercenary wordsmith, RPGs are his first great love, but strategy and tactics games are a close second, genres in which he is only too happy to specialize.

Comments 17

Gamers: "Hideo Kojima is a legend of storytelling"
Also Kojima: Names a character DieHardman

Disclaimer: I am a fan of his work it's a joke.

Back Hurtman confirmed made me laugh.

I swear I do not understand the hype around this man at all.

Back Hurtman is maybe the funniest thing I’ve read on here since I found the place. Well done! 👏

I used to think, seeing the articles about some of the things he'd say, that he was a bit of a narcissist or full of himself. But honestly the dude genuinely seems to love what he does. And you can tell he has a lot of passion for game development and isn't afraid or embarrassed in the slightest over what he makes. And that's respectable

And I'm not just saying that cause I'm falling in love with Death Stranding the more I play it 😝

wow imagine that

If there's anything more annoying than this overrated developer, it's his "fans"

He needs a chiropractor

The best thing he's done is appear in Konpeki Plaza, Night City.

I like a lot of his games but in all honesty sometimes it is in spite of his way of doing things rather than because of them.

I'd love the guy to make a modern game without cut scenes just as an experiment, the stories are often impossible to follow in anything other than the vaguest sense anyway.

He's been carrying the video game industry for years has he? I like the metal gear solid universe and it's bonkers characters but I think kojima is massively over rated and to be honest the industry can and will survive if he ever calls it quits. I personally find it a bit insulting to other publishers and developers that this guy is described as "carrying the video game industry." So disingenerous.

I sincerely hate it when people are put on a pedestal like this. Metal gear might be an influential series but it is by no means carrying the industry as a whole. As for the man himself there are other authors wo would be just as recognized if they flashed their name on the screen at every opportunity. Can't wait for death stranding 2 kojima edition made by kojima, thougt of by kojima, soundtrsck listened to by kojima, game engine commissioned by kojima.....eh you get it....

@Northern_munkey @QiaraIris @Bigmanfan You are not alone.

I'm glad to finally see a thread about him where the majority of comments also don't get the cult following.

No one else is telling stories in games like him, no one else made video games to the high Hollywood action level like him, no one is as creative as him.
Yes, he has been carrying the industry for years. If you don’t get why he is so beloved by the gamers, you probably don’t understand gaming at all or are very narrow minded.
Only Sam Lake comes very close to this.

It probably shouldn't be taken too seriously, but carrying the entire video game industry? As in, the biggest entertainment industry on the planet, with numerous games that sell dozens of millions of copies across a wide range of genres and a vibrant indie scene that is bursting with creativity and innovation, being carried by a single man who occasionally releases a triple A game?

Yeah that makes total sense.

Wouldn't really say he's done any "carrying" since MGS 2, and even that was more genre specific than the whole of the industry.

He's a talent — no doubt. But his fans always overhype both his industry-wide contributions and overall qualitative output (Death Standing is genius and stupid in equal parts).

I personally love the games he makes. That said, his affliction may be connected to the fact that the characters in his games spend most of the time crouched and moving with their back stooped haha.

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