Image: Push Square

30th Anniversary PS5 Slim, DualSense Prices Leaked

Still no word on PS5 Pro bundle

by · Push Square

Pre-orders will open for Sony’s awesome 30th Anniversary PS5 hardware collection on 26th September, but we still don’t know how much the Japanese giant will be charging for any of the items on offer. Reliable leaker billbil-kun, writing for French website Dealabs, has the all-important scoop – although only on a couple of items.

So, what are the details? Well, the 30th Anniversary PS5 Digital Edition will retail for $499.99 in the US, which is $50 more than the standard PS5 Digital Edition – a reasonable mark-up, we suppose. It’s hypothesised the UK price will be £449.99, but it’s important to note that this is guesswork on the part of billbil-kun.

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Meanwhile, the 30th Anniversary DualSense controller will retail for $79.99, which is consistent with other fancy coloured editions of the pad. Sony recently increased the price of this accessory, with the standard white DualSense now costing $74.99 and the more premium options costing $79.99. At least the 30th Anniversary branding isn’t adding a premium on top.

We’re still waiting for information on the DualSense Edge and PS Portal, as well as the PS5 Pro bundle, which is expected to top $1,000. For those who didn’t see the news last week, the aforementioned package comes with a PS5 Pro, DualSense Edge, DualSense, Charging Station, and Vertical Stand – all in 30th Anniversary colours. It’ll be limited to just 12,300 units.

So a little additional information to help with your pre-order planning. The prices generally look fine to us – obviously all PS5 hardware is pretty expensive, but given the demand is likely to be high for these collector’s items, we’re glad Sony appears to have resisted the temptation to push the MSRPs even higher.


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About Sammy Barker

As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.

Comments 41

Similarly priced as the others. I want a Black one but this looks nice.

Still gonna try for the DualSense

Sold my Switch Lite and Original Playstation Portal over the weekend so I can get the 30th Anniversary Dualsense and Portal.

Requiring people who want the LE Pro to also buy a £210 controller and £25 charging station with it is peak 2024 Sony.

They really should have let PS5 Pro 30th be sold on its own.
I have no interest in the Edge controller adding at least £200 to the bundle.

Anyway good luck on Thursday everyone.

Will hopefully grab a Pro for my own use and 2 PS5 30th's, one to keep sealed for future and one to scalp some f***** or other immediately.

Totally agree on that should be sold on its own the Pro LE.
This is the part of Sony that so pisses me off, would love to give them a good keep it polite mouthful.

  • 8
  • Nei
  • Yesterday, 11:18pm

Good luck on Thursday, everyone! I think whatever insane price that Pro bundle will be carrying, it's gonna be scalped to death ;_;

@OldGamer999 @jrt87 at least they haven't inserted a Portal in the bundle XD also if we sell the pro controller we will have compromised the integrity of the bundle forever.

Going to try and grab that Pro knowing full well I don't stand a chance.......

Will go for a standard white pro probably.
Got to get in the queue first then onto the site
Then place me order and pay.
It’s a bit stupid to do it all on the same day.
They could have split it over two different days.
The pro on the 26th
The anniversary stuff the 27th, actually probably better the other way round.
But who’s crazy discussion it was to do it all at once I shall never know.

Who’s ready to break the internet as we battle to the death on Thursday for a PS5 Pro 30th?! Let’s rumble!!

it just blows my mind how $ony (& nintendo) doesn’t see the beauty in colored buttons . why did they even get rid of it ?? for “professionalism” to play video games ? because it looks mOdErN ???

i need this controller

Sucks that they aren't even releasing plates for people with the original model. Oh well I guess us fat PS5 owners will be left out going forward. Still, good luck everyone. I hope everyone is able to get the stuff they want.

My first two DualSense controllers had to be replaced due to stick drift and broken triggers. I would love to get this 30th Anniversary controller or the Astro Bot edition but knowing that they will inevitably go bad has turned me off getting either of them. It’s such a shame because when the DualSense is fully utilised (e.g. in Returnal) it is an absolute joy to use.
My PS3 and PS4 DualShock controllers by comparison are all still going strong without issue (and have much better battery life!).

@jrt87 you forgot vertical stand xD

So the bundle is the only option to buy the Pro? That's very disappointing if so...

I mean, you could just sell the other bits but the upfront cost is gonna hurt a lot. Not sure if I could possibly justify that 😂

@Pranwell very edgy. Hope you don't get any of those items! 🫡

@MidnightDragonDX I may get an edge controller but I don't see the point honestly? I don't play competitively, maybe the standard DS will be good enough? The pro asking price is too much and it still doesn't include a external disc drive! is not a great deal at all especially for the asking price, I would switch the stand with an external disc drive if it was an option

@CallMeDuraSouka with UK prices, no we don't stand a chance with scalpers, and like I said no disc drive included in this bundle 😤😤

Half the LEDs went out in the living room TV, Windows Update bricked my PC's boot SSD, and my wife's laptop is dead dead - all in one day. As much as I want one of those controllers, ehhh, it's not in the cards right now.

I hope every scalper misses out... but not holding out hope that Sony has responded to the bot problem.

Lol the fact that the standard dual sense is priced at 75, when it has a relatively short and inconsistent lifespan before drift sets in is literally robbery.

Eventually all of this Sony price gouging and remasterake double dipping will bite them in the ass. We get it, you totally fumbled the generation thus far and have wasted billions in the process.

However, I refuse to be grifted into paying for your mistakes via the multitude of cash grabs you continue to half bake into existence.

I wonder, if not enough people buy the Pro, would Sony go back to supporting the base PS5 as their main seller and just let the Pro lapse?

@KundaliniRising333 "Eventually all of this Sony price gouging and remasterake double dipping will bite them in the [expletive]."

Honestly, I hope so, too - for the consumer's sake (not because I want PlayStation to fail).

Sadly, I feel like people will continue to support it because...PlayStation...and just complain about it in the comments section as if they had no control over the situation.

Luckily I’m on work holiday for a while so I’ll be hovering over direct all day waiting for that click! Any idea what time they will go live? I want the anniversary slim bundle. I’ll get a standard Pro for gaming at Christmas but I want an anniversary for my collection. 🤞

@GamingFan4Lyf I do think they will eventually price gouge and push so many people past the nostalgia of better times to the extent that the waning consumer sentiment will eventually translate into a sharp drop of in early adoption, overall player base, and just plain growth in corporate terms.

It will take more time for sure, but if they stay the underwhelming, greed driven course they are on, I think it inevitable. I genuinely hope those still under the cultist lull of blind platform allegiant excuse making wake up and make this happen. Not for Sony to fail just as you mentioned. Merely because I want a course correction back toward what made playstation the diverse platform of great games it once was.

It will only occur when people stop buying it to buy it. advocate for what they truly want with restraint, rather than merely gobbling up Mediocrity and predation simply because it's all that is on offer. That's exactly what these corpos are banking on.

It happened to work out for me so I might be buying a PlayStation five Pro but I'm gonna wait till November so that it's a couple days in. Streamers/testers etc can give better examples of what it brings to the table with games.

@Mikey856 no word on the times yet
I don't think Sony announced a specific time for the PS5 either.

Such a gorgeous controller. I need it.

@Mikey856 aye cheers. I’ll get just the controller itself if that’s an option.

@Yousef- it’s really nice isn’t it lol. It’s the og PS logo that does it for me 🤩

@Loamy You can buy just a regular pro. You don't have to get the bundle.

@KundaliniRising333 Sony has recognized their market is trained by the mobile market. They'res lawyers in Saudi with nothing so spend money on but elite premium brand entertainment center equipment. That's their target. They're purely skimming the whales and in our newly bifurcated economy theres no shortage of whales to milk globally, even if it's only a percent of that used to be their market.

Remember the blind allegiant crowds is only a blip on their radar. Most of their market doesn't buy because PlayStation. Most buy because "default product I'm aware of". Once something looks better, it cheaper, but seems popular, that's what will be the default. Sony targeting yuppie entertainment rooms is idiotically myopic, but it's their standard practice.

When PS1 came out and I was in Sega and Nintendo I didn't understand why people would want a console from an expensive VCR maker instead of a real games company. As I load my cart with Atlus and RGG games and Sony is doing this, I'm wondering that question again.

@HamKnight That's what they were always going to do either way. See also, 4 pro. Pro will make up at most 15% of the install base. 20% if it's a shocking runaway unpredicted viral hit. I.e. most players will be on base and devs will kind of ignore pro.

@jrt87 seeing how they are only selling 12k consoles , bundling it together makes sense , i mean its going to sell out under 1 min.

sadly this will get scalped so badly , and people will over pay for it. hopefully 99% of it gets sold to people who are going to enjoy it.

I know I can never compete with scalpers for that PS5 Pro, but I need that Dualsense!

@KundaliniRising333 People should really look toward the PC crowd.

You know what price the PC market pays for Sony games to get the same quality (and more) of the PS5 version? PS4 prices. That "PS5 Tax" doesn't exist there and those people don't even subsidize Sony with PS+, a hardware sale, AND Sony has to give storefronts a cut of the sale.

So was the $70 really necessary at all?!

I will bet that PSN log-ins for single-player games will eventually become option on PC too with enough rallying support.

@NEStalgia Agreed. The reason PS5 sales are the way they are is basically...habit. I know that will ruffle feathers, but it's true. The people here are a minority of a minority.

It has nothing to do with PlayStation 5 being particularly special - Fortnite, Madden, FIFA (excuse me FC), etc. etc. don't require a PlayStation.

In fact, the Series X has a much better feature set, better handling of cross-generation migration, and Microsoft had much better pro-consumer practices this generation and it still didn't take off.

It's just that PlayStation - much to Sony's credit - is synonymous with gaming in the way Nintendo was synonymous with gaming back in the 80's and early 90's (well in the US...I believe SEGA was more popular in UK).

I have no idea what will knock Sony off its high horse, but for everyone's sake, I hope something does so Sony starts trying again. Astro Bot was the best first-party game Sony has release in a while - and this is coming from someone who has played all the major first-party games for PS5. I want more of stuff like that. That isn't to say the other games were bad, they were

Remember, if you buy from scalpers, you are the reason scalpers exist.

Grey! it was never boring to begin with

This is bait. Try to get a ps5pro 30 anniversary to distract from getting a reg ps5pro so the skalpppperrrrz can clutch them ALLLLLLL and profit. God I love being a Playstation fan these days.

@JalapenoSpiceLife No plan for the Edge. Normal one is fine

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