Star Wars Outlaws' Rescue Roadmap Provides a Snapshot of Modern PS5 Gaming

Sit tight

by · Push Square
Game Profile
Star Wars Outlaws
PlayStation 5
Also Available For:
Xbox Series X|S
Massive Entertainment
Action, Adventure
Release Date:
PlayStation 5 30th Aug 2024 30th Aug 2024
Star Wars
Star Wars Outlaws (PS5) - Open World Pledge Produces a Superficial Space Outing
Official Site:
Where to buy:
Buy on Amazon

In hindsight, Ubisoft should have delayed Assassin’s Creed Shadows earlier and pushed Star Wars Outlaws into the open worlder’s November release slot. That would have given both teams plenty of time to polish up their titles, and perhaps we’d be looking at a less dire situation for the French publisher.

Still, the damage has been done, and now comes the recovery mission. After a soft launch, the firm’s said it’s committed to growing Star Wars Outlaws’ sales through the holiday period, and thus it’s released a roadmap of upcoming fixes. The first update, due 3rd October, will crush a bunch of bugs – while its 24th October patch will incorporate various quality of life improvements.

Then comes the big one: 21st November will see the release’s first major expansion, Wild Card, deploy. It’ll also add free contracts and make sweeping changes to the combat and stealth. That’s just before Black Friday by the way, so expect some absolutely enormous discounts as Ubisoft seeks to boost the title’s disappointing sales.

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It’s a sound strategy, and we suspect it’ll come good – but it’s a damning indictment of PS5 gaming today. There’s rarely ever any incentive to buy titles at launch, as prices tend to get slashed and patches improve the overall experience. Why pre-order when you can get a superior experience at a later date for half the price?


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About Sammy Barker

As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.

Comments 29

The last full game I bought at launch was Dying Light 2. Since then I’ve only purchased a few DLCs at launch (Phantom Liberty and The Final Shape). But now I always wait for sales and patches.

I just finished the game 2 days ago and thought it was really good.

I only buy games at launch if I feel the devs both need and deserve it. Voting with my wallet, as it were. Even then, I probably won't play them for several months as I know there will be patches and improvements incoming.

Is Star Wars really worth the blind devotion people still give its products these days?

It’s a fair point, especially with Ubisoft games. I’ve enjoyed a long tradition of picking up the latest Assassin’s Creed title during the holiday sale and playing it through the doldrums of winter. Still, there are always games like Astrobot where waiting for a sale requires more self denial than I’m equipped with.

I tend to buy the games I want to support on day one, and then, they go straight into the hell of my nightmarish backlog.

Sometimes for years.

Just too many games and not enough time.

So in general, I'm playing fully patched versions. And rightfully so : you do not want to rush into a new game these days...

I played a couple of hours' worth last weekend and I liked it quite a bit - there are definitely some questionable design choices and quite a few bugs that are going to need ironing out but the devs absolutely nailed the "Star Wars" vibe. I'll be buying it when it's discounted and patched - I might even make it my big Xmas Holiday game.

@Bobobiwan Why not just buy them when you're ready to play them, though? Even with Sony's games (which don't get discounted much anymore) you could still save £10-£20 by waiting.

I don’t really buy games as they’re expensive to be honest. Got the new faux-FIFA for my birthday so that’s all my mindless sh*t covered for a year. I usually dabble in a big game alongside evergreen ones so this is perfect for me on that front… if it goes cheap by Christmas or I leave it for eventual PS Plus. Still waiting on Jedi Survivor actually, could see that hitting PS Plus next year.

@get2sammyb Could be just to support specific studios. I usually do that for indies, but did it for Astro Bot as well.

Last game I pre-ordered was Fallout 4 Collectors Edition. Biggest let down of my gaming life, luckily got most of my money back by selling it. Now I never buy anything without checking gameplay, mechanics, stability and vibe.

Most games get bought on sale (excluding an indie game here and there) it takes an amazing gem of a game to part 70$ from my wallet.

@Ainu20 That's fair I suppose!

I'll admit I was somewhat excited for this game. I am enjoying it a fair amount, but also at times finding it a bit dull. I think a small part of that is the fact that I'm playing it at a very slow, drip-feed pace. The other aspect is the game feels somewhat limited in variety and interesting things early on, which matches some of the reviews I saw.

I’m still enjoying Rebirth far too much to notice this. 190 hours on route to platinum

Any major release that I don’t plan on playing day one I wait for a sale. Any release by sega/atlus I want to play l’ll wait 3 weeks and it will be on sale at half price. Anything made by funcom is day one. I only buy Ubisoft games when there half off because there games are hit or miss even in the same series.

I’m interested in outlaws and I’ve seen a lots of comments by people who don’t lose their mind when the lead character is female that the game is actually good outside of the stealth so I’ll be picking it up at half price, probably digital, maybe PC. Really wish Sony would launch a PlayStation store for PC where I can get both versions for either free or a $10 upgrade but that will probably never happen.

All my consoles and systems are old and long disconnected, so I really only buy used games. And even then, I barely buy any. Mostly receiving them as gifts.

@Fartingale That's been my experience as well. If I filter out the ones raging about "woke" or "DEI" nonsense, I notice people actually enjoyed Outlaws and that it's a good game, but offered constructive criticism on parts that fell short of "good".

It's not that there isn't incentive to buy games at lauch; there's no incentive to buy Ubisoft games at launch.

Games like Astro Bot, Stellar Blade, Black Myth Wukong, Baldur's Gate 3, FF16, FF7 Rebirth and a bunch of other games are absolutely worth the price at launch.

I finished this game last week and enjoyed it. Flawed but fun. I put in about 50 hours and got very few bugs. Some flickering on some ship launches and one time where a glass was hanging in midair over a cantina bar. That is it.

I just….I don’t see how any patch fixes what people did not like about this. I really liked it-the Star Wars atmosphere is off the charts. But I just think the stealth base of the game and a pretty slight story turned a lot of people off.

I want the game to do well-I would play a sequel for sure. But I don’t think this is a matter of polish or a patch. I think a lot of folks are rejecting what the game is. I don’t think that is fixable.

I usually pre order Sony games I want to play.

3rd party games I will wait for a performance review.
If all good and i like what i read in normal reviews then i will pre order (if the performance reviews are out in time) / buy.
Any major issues with framerate (but the game is good otherwise), and I will wait for it to be patched, then if properly patched I will wait for the next sale. If not properly patched i will skip.

I don't think Ubi will manage to pull a CP2077/No Man's Sky.

Not because its impossible, core gameplay is fine from what I've seen, but rather because the game failed to gather interest from people.

If a game isn't interesting then people won't bother with it.

There's no guarantee Outlaws would have sold better in November. Sure the game might have been slightly more polished, but I don't really think the game's soft sales are due to it being janky or unfinished. I feel like there was a collective shrug about the game.

honestly its disgusting how we have to wait months for a released game to be in an acceptable state. the resolution alone is enough to ruin my experience.

Migrating over here from NintendoLife and this is literally the first article I’ve ever read on this site.

We don’t see much of Ubisoft over there, but even we know what to expect. Mario+Rabbids sold incredibly well (I think around 8 million last I heard?) and the sequel… didn’t? And not for lack of quality, I think people genuinely anticipated deeeeeeep sales because that’s what Ubisoft does. It’s embarrassing

Definitely intending to pick this one up moving forward. I like Ubisoft games, but I've shied away from day one purchases (barring a few circumstances) and Ubisoft are a victim of that. Looking forward to getting into it, and AC Shadows, both.

In my opinion, Games are not worth the asking price at launch - even if they were 'finished, complete and polished', I wouldn't pay more more than £50 for a game - it will be on sale (especially on Disc in some cases) and/or much more likely to be 'finished, complete and as 'polished' as its likely to get on the Hardware.

Ubisoft games in particular feel so generic and whilst they may look great, they also seem somewhat repetitive to play too. It feels copy, pasted and reskinned for new game content. They also have big sales expectations, then when they don't sell 'big' numbers, they drop quickly in price to 'sell' and of course they have their own Sub Service too which will affect sales as well.

With a massive Backlog of games - not actually helped by Backwards Compatibility as that adds all those Last gen Games I have to finish as well. Not only that, Last gen games are still 'great' and also 'cheap' now in sales. Not only that, with Sub Services offering games to play, even if not adding something 'new' that week/month you really want to play, they have 100's of games to try instead of paying £70 to be disappointed at launch...

Now I have 100's of games I can fill my limited Gaming time with right now without having to spend anything. If I never bought a game again, I still have more hours of gaming in my backlog that I wouldn't need to replay any game and still wouldn't run out of games. Therefore, I don't 'need' to add to my backlog, I can also wait until it becomes cheap enough that I want to jump in - I still haven't bought Avatar or Hogwarts Legacy - but both are on my watch list to buy for the right price.

Each to their own of course but nowadays, I prefer to wait and try to keep up to date on patches, updates, content drops etc and prices so I can decide if I think its at the right time and at the right price to jump in - and unless its a 'complete' (inc DLC - like a Special/Gold/Premium edition), I won't pay £50, let alone more, for any game.

I'm pretty certain the £70 price tag has lead to a lot more savvy gamers.

It feels like few people ever buy games at that price regardless of where they come from and I'd be super interested in finding out if anyone on this site has paid that full price yet?

Anecdotally, I think people are way more discerning, are more likely to use cheap credit or vpn to foreign eshops or plain old wait it out for a title to be discounted.

I mean Dragon's Dogma 2 is currently just over £30 and it has been out 6 months. There isn't one of us that doesn't have a back log to be getting on with that couldn't have waited.

@Medic_alert I have a relative who DID pay the $70 for Tears of the Kingdom as a huge Zelda fan. But won’t spend that much for any PS games Just doesn’t feel it’s worth it what with things needing updates or still having DLC when most games feel incomplete anymore.

Been saying it for a while now.

There is a stark lack of interest this gen compared to PS360 and PS4 gen.

And the main reason for this is the vast majority of games were last gen up until recently.

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