86 gallons of water per day: Henderson adopts new water conservation plan

by · Las Vegas Review-Journal

Henderson adopted a new joint water conservation plan with the Southern Nevada Water Authority on Tuesday. The plan sets goals and details conservation efforts through 2029.

According to a draft of the plan, the goal is for Southern Nevadans, including Henderson residents, to consume 86 gallons of water per day, a three gallon decrease from 2023’s goal.

The city provides water to more than 100,000 customers, and oversees 33 pumping stations and 51 water storage reserves. There are 1,300 of miles of water distribution pipes within the city.

Henderson’s city council approved the plan unanimously in Tuesday’s City Council meeting. Councilmen Jim Seebock and Dan Stewart were both absent from the meeting.

In the plan that was adopted, Henderson aims to continue cracking down on water theft and imposing fees for violators.

From 2021 to 2023, the Las Vegas Valley Water District, Henderson, and North Las Vegas conducted over 134,000 water use compliance investigations and more than 14,000 fines were issued, according to the city’s water plan.

Henderson also plans to use data, utilizing a program called ArcadisGen, to help the city proactively perform maintenance.

The plan also summarizes efforts made in past years to incentivize water conservation.

In January 2024, Henderson increased water rates for single-family residential units and other metered units. Those who used more water are placed in higher tiers and the city increased pricing at top tiers.

For example, those in the fourth, or highest tier, saw volume charge increases from $7.30 per 1,000 gallons to $9.05 per 1,000 gallons.

The plan noted that the Southern Nevada Water Authority offered a $3-$5 dollar rebate per square foot for those converting up to 10,000 square feet of grass into landscapes that require little to no watering. The plan stated that Henderson offered an additional $1.50 per square foot.

According to the plan, in fiscal year 2023, Henderson contributed to the conversion of 1.3 million square feet of grass and distributed $953,000 in additional rebates.

The plan also presented total water use in Henderson and other Southern Nevada cities.

According to the American Water Works Association’s water audit, over 27,587 million gallons of water was supplied to Henderson from Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2023.