Controversies dog Starmer ahead of Labour Party speech
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, less than three months in power, has arrived in Liverpool for the Labour Party conference dogged by controversies the likes of which he has so often blamed on the Conservative Party.
Keir Starmer vows to bring in Hillsborough Law to stop cover-ups and protect victims
Keir Starmer will tell Labour Party conference in Liverpool that a new Hillsborough Law will be introduced by April to create a legal duty of candour on public authorities
Keir Starmer declares there is 'light at the end of the tunnel' for UK
In his keynote speech to Labour's conference, the Prime Minister will try to lift the gloom that has threatened to envelop his tenure by arguing that making 'painful choices' now will eventually pay off.
Starmer offers hope of ‘a new Britain’ but warns there are 'no easy answers'
Prime Minister will outline vision for country at Labour conference after a tough period for his party
Starmer to promise 'light at the end of tunnel'
In his first conference speech as PM, Sir Keir will say a "shared struggle" is needed to build a new Britain.
Threat of jail in new 'Hillsborough Law' will catch out liars trying to dodge justice
Public disasters like the loss of life at Hillsborough in 1989 and Grenfell in 2017 were marred by official slipperiness, covering up wrongdoing and helping those responsible evade justice
Keir Starmer to tell Brits there is 'light at the end of this tunnel' as he sets out plans to 'build a new Britain'
Keir Starmer will tell Brits there is 'light at the end of this tunnel' as he sets out his plans to "build a new Britain".
Keir Starmer to continue doom and gloom in Labour Party Conference speech
The Prime Minister will warn the future "will be hard" and and say the country needs a "shared struggle".
Starmer to address first party conference since election
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will tell the British public that there is "light at the end of the tunnel" but that a "shared struggle" through short term pressures will have to be endured.
What Keir Starmer will say today in Labour Party conference speech as he can't offer 'false hope'
Sir Keir Starmer will make his first conference speech as Prime Minister
Labour Conference gossip and secrets from behind the scenes of day 2
Every day, the Mirror Politics team - and our army of willing spies - brings you all the gossip, secrets and intrigue from the gathering in Liverpool
last updated on 24 Sep 07:21