Thousands raised by Co-op

by · Castanet
Photo: File photo

Co-op members and customers 'Fueled Up, Fueled Good,' and raised thousands of dollars for local non-profits.

As part of the annual Fuel Good Day held earlier this week, 10 cents from every litre of gasoline and diesel purchased at all Armstrong Regional Co-op Gas Bars will be donated to a local organization:

  • $2,545 will be donated to the Girl Guides of Canada
  • $1,743 will be donated to the Kin Club of Cranbrook
  • $6,179 will be donated to the SAFE Society
  • $5,974 will be donated to the North Okanagan Neurological Association (NONA)

“The Armstrong Regional Co-op is proud to give back and get behind local initiatives that are working to address the needs of our community,” said Jason Keis, Marketing and Community Relations Manager of the Armstrong Regional Co-op.

“Thank you to our members and customers for the support you’ve shown during Co-op Fuel Good Day. Once again, it’s amazing to see what we can accomplish when we all work together.”

Co-op Fuel Good Day was celebrated at Co-op Gas Bars throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and northwestern Ontario, with each local co-op supporting a community organization or initiative.