Members of the Bar Associations in Walajah near Ranipet demanding solar power supply for entire court premises.

Advocates protest in Walajah, Ranipet, demanding solar power supply

by · The Hindu

Members of the Bar Associations in Walajah near Ranipet have boycotted the District Munsif cum Judicial Magistrate Court proceedings on Friday, demanding that the Public Works Department (PWD) extend solar power supply to every corner of the court premises.

At present, the British-era District Court in Walajah has magistrate and munsif courts in two-storey buildings on the premises. “The boycott has two purposes -- installation of solar power panels on the entire court premises and immediate appointment of government pleader for civic cases in these courts,” said K. Elangovan, President, Bar Association (Walajah).

At present, the main court building in Walajah has at least 15 rooms including court halls, offices and judge chambers. Among these, the advocates chamber -- frequented by practising lawyers -- is the largest, measuring at least 250 sq. ft.

As per government orders, solar power panels were installed a month ago, but in a way that favoured the judges’ section in the halls, as an alternative power supply during blackouts. With the solar power, a ceiling fan and a tube light can run for over 8-10 hours.

Remaining portion of the court hall and premises including the visitors’ gallery, advocates and clerks section in the room, judges chambers and advocates hall would be affected by blackouts.

Advocates said the installation of solar power panels to provide electricity for judges’ section alone does not serve the purpose as clerks and advocates would remain hindered from carrying out their duties.

On an average, more than 200 litigants -- mostly from Walajah taluk comprising over 70 villages -- visit the court every day. About 120 advocates serve as regular practitioners. On an average, the court deals with over 150 cases every day. At present, 1,500-2,000 cases have been pending before the court for years.

“We are aware of the solar panel issue. The State government should allocate adequate funds to cover entire court premises with solar power supply,” said a PWD official.


Published - September 27, 2024 10:29 pm IST