Ron Chapple Stock

Hello mi neighbour! | Forgive others for the rest of your life

· The Gleaner

UNFORGIVENESS IS a deadly evil! *Susie could have been alive today had her husband forgiven her. “The hurt was deep and painful, but no one expected this,” lamented a close friend of the couple’s.“They were quiet, loving, and nice but … so sad … . Why?

Reality: Whenever unforgiveness sets in, it will drive the soberest saint to commit the most heinous crime. Set yourself free now by engaging the spirit of forgiveness at the onset of an offence!

So today, we take a look at the effects of unforgiveness and the efficacy of forgiveness here on Earth. Unforgiveness is such a destructive force that it behooves every human being to learn the art of forgiveness and quickly forgive from the heart! Yuh hear mi! If you allow the offence even to quale, you could be in big trouble.

Let’s take a look at the effects of unforgiveness. Picking up from the second sentence above, *Susie was murdered by her husband of 15 years because she offended him, and he did not forgive her on the spot. He was disappointed in her and thought that forgiveness would have sent her the wrong message – free to commit the offence again and again. He was so sadly mistaken! Had he forgiven her, their story would have been more pleasant today.

Little did he know that unforgiveness had deadly emotional consequences like:

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• Resentment and anger,which make one unable to think straight.

• Bitterness and hatred, which prevent the victim from cultivating and enjoying personal peace.

• Depression and anxiety, which give one a sense of being in a deep hole with no way out.

• Emotional numbness would like to laugh but is hindered by an evil spirit.

• Feelings of guilt and shame, which make eye contact almost impossible. Can you imagine the turmoil?

Left unchecked, these emotions can lead to suicide or murder. Could these emotions have had anything to do with the mother who drowned her two babies in a foreign country a few years back?

This maybe stale news, but unforgiveness has physical consequences like

• A weakened immune system.

• Chronic pain and inflammation, etc. Who would want to inflict such misery on one’s own body? Suicidal?

• Sleep disturbances. If you are unable to sleep at night, check your forgiveness chart. Is there any outstanding forgiveness on it? What about the friend, wife, husband, or co-worker who offended you today? Yes, they and their dirty ways always give the creeps! Save the day and give yourself a good night’s rest – learn to forgive.

Unforgiveness also has very serious spiritual consequences. In the interest of time, please research the following effects of unforgiveness on the unforgiver and take action without delay!

• Separation from God

• Loss of purpose and meaning

• Feelings of emptiness and isolation

While things like the severity of the offence, lack of remorse from the offender, unresolved trauma, cultural or societal expectations, personal pride or ego may challenge the person who is asked to forgive, forgiveness must still be offered as the alternative would be far more devastating.

To start the process of forgiveness, you must:

• Recognise the value of forgiveness and how it will enrich your life.

• Identify what needs healing and who you are to forgive.

• Acknowledge how the hurt affects your behaviour.

• Choose to forgive the offender and ask for divine help.

• Release your grasp from the offence/offender to set yourself free.

Forgiveness is a commitment to change. It takes practice.

As you would imagine, those who forgive experience:

• Emotional liberation.

• Reduced stress and anxiety,

• Improved mental health,

• Happier and better relationships,

• A stronger immune system,

• Healthier longevity,

• A more fulfilling relationship with God and man and a host of other physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.

I have a feeling that I may have to come back with part two.

Wanna enjoy the rest of your life? Forgive for the rest of your life.

Peace and love!


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4. Food

5. Medication

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