Justine Stafford's Best Things in Life: Ideal weekend, style icon and hilarious nickname

Best Things in Life: Justine Stafford shares her favourite things in life including her favourite takeaway, the singers she has on repeat and the best app she has downloaded

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Comedian and podcaster Justine Stafford talks us through her favourite things, from how she spends the weekend to when she’s at her happiest - plus the strange nickname she thinks about often…

Ideal weekend

A lot of the time, I like to go back home to the countryside in Meath at weekends. Living in the city in Dublin during the week I often find myself going a bit mental and I feel the need to go home to the fields to scream. Truthfully, I like to visit the parents and my dog and it’s just like a mini battery reset. I also like driving in the country and seeing the little hand signals and salutes from every car you pass. You don’t see that in Dublin – unless it’s the wave between two bus drivers which, to me, is the purest form of love.


It’s a toss up for me; a burrito bowl from Boojum or Kung Pao chicken from the Chinese. To me, bringing your takeaway home on your knee in the car is what I imagine it’s like bringing your newborn home from the hospital. And it’s likely the closest I’ll ever get at this point so I take it very seriously.

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Good God, just one? I can’t pick just one but I love Boygenius, Frightened Rabbit, Phoebe Bridgers, Taylor Swift, Amy Winehouse and Muna.


I wouldn’t say this is my favourite nickname but an auld fella at a funeral once asked me my name. I said Justine and he replied “G-string, lovely to meet you.” I’ve truly no idea if he was just hard of hearing or slightly unhinged but either way, how he ever thought a parent would name their child G-String is beyond me and I still think about that often.

Style icon

I’m an incredibly unstylish person. I literally used to wear a waistcoat over a hoodie as a teenager. I wish that was a joke, but I had a seriously awkward phrase growing up. I think Phoebe Bridgers is really stylish, her looks are just effortlessly cool. I also love Emma Stone for embracing being a pale queen. I’ve reached that point myself recently and I’m just not arsed with the fake tan anymore!

App on my phone

Instagram is the one I use most, but I have this app where AI generates any song you like with any lyrics you choose. It breaks my heart that it makes absolute bangers I could only dream of trying to write. I’m hooked on it though and truly believe AI is going to kill us all. I also love food delivery apps, and if this interview was with my mother the answer would be RIP.ie.

Comedian Justine Stafford(Image: Instagram)

I’m at my happiest when

Either catching up with friends over a quiet pint, petting my dog on the couch at home in Meath, that moment when I finally get into bed after a long day, driving through the countryside or when my takeaway delivery arrives at the door.

Follow Justine on Instagram @justinestafford_. Listen to RTE documentary The Real Carrie Jade wherever you get your podcasts.

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