Trailer for WAYWARD a Kidnapping Thriller Follows a Young Girl Form a Bond with a Hitchhiker

by · GeekTyrant

Here’s the trailer for an upcoming indie film titled Wayward, which sees a young girl form a bond with a hitchhiker with nefarious purposes. This looks like an interesting story that shows both sides of a kidnapping situation.

In the film, “While mov­ing from Ida­ho to Los Ange­les with her moth­er, 11-year-old Cleo (Chloe Guidry), who is yearn­ing for sta­bil­i­ty in her life, becomes smit­ten with a charis­mat­ic female hitch­hik­er they pick up along the way.

“As she detach­es more and more from her moth­er, the girl forms an unlike­ly bond with the hitch­hik­er, blur­ring the line between run­ning away and kidnapping.”

Do people even pick up hitchhikers anymore?! If so, this is just another reason why you shouldn’t let strangers get in your car.

The mom is played by Jess Weixler, and she’s joined by Jessica Sula, Rob Morrow, Will Brittian, and Colleen Camp.

Wayward is written and directed by Jacquelyn Frohlich, who is making her feature directorial debut.