Jess says Bio Oil helps keep her skin looking clearer and fresher
(Image: Jess Flaherty)

'I still get ID'd at 33 without Botox – there's one product that keeps me young'

· Manchester Evening News

Botox and fillers are increasingly popular, but I'm striving to resist the temptation of these injectables for as long as I can.

It's not about pride, nor is it a stance against aesthetics or plastic surgery - if I hit the jackpot, I'd be scheduling a rhinoplasty appointment immediately. However, I'm aware that once you begin with these treatments, it's hard to stop.

I'm not prepared to spend hundreds of pounds every six months just to avoid a few lines.

At 33, I'm still often asked for ID when buying lottery tickets and other age-restricted items, which gives me a genuine sense of excitement. Of course, I understand that ageing is a privilege denied to many.

Yet, like many women my age, I do wish to appear slightly younger. Society places a high value on youth, and I admit I'm not entirely immune to this pressure.

She is trying to avoid Botox for as long as possible
(Image: Jess Flaherty)

One product I swear by, and believe significantly contributes to my youthful look, is Bio Oil. I consider it an essential item; it's like magic in a bottle.

You can keep your retinoids, serums, and glycolics - I'll forever be a devotee of Bio Oil.

Bio Oil is renowned for its scar-reducing properties and is often used during pregnancy to help alleviate stretch marks. However, it's a versatile product that I'd recommend everyone incorporate into their skincare routine.

Whether you have a dry patch, a painful spot, or frown lines forming on your forehead, Bio Oil can be the solution.

I typically use it in one of two ways - either as the final step in my skincare routine after applying my night cream, or by adding a few drops into my night cream, mixing them together, and then applying. Whenever I use Bio Oil, I wake up with smoother, clearer, fresher looking skin.

It gives me a glow that no other product I've ever used can match.

Over the years, I've tried all sorts of skincare products, from high-end brands to budget-friendly high street favourites, and Bio Oil is the creme de la creme. It's packed with skin-loving ingredients like vitamins A and E, sunflower seed oil, lavender oil, and more.

Unless you're allergic to any of its ingredients, I urge you to buy a bottle and add it to your routine. I'd be very surprised if you had any regrets from doing so and, like me, it might just keep you from making an appointment to book Botox or filler that bit longer.

Jess is hoping Bio Oil will keep her from splashing out on Botox and fillers for now
(Image: Jess Flaherty)

There's nothing wrong with getting Botox or filler and I'm certainly not here to criticise the personal choices of others - your face, your decisions - but I do think we need to be mindful (and demure, cutesy etc, etc) about injectables and the age at which we start them.

There's a prevalent notion that Botox and filler are "preventative", but in reality, we're the first generation to experiment with these aesthetic practices from such a young age. Can we be certain they're entirely preventative?

I understand the theory - if you inject Botox, it relaxes the muscles and helps prevent wrinkles, or if you use filler from a young age, you're plumping your face and thus stopping wrinkles before they start - but we're the test subjects for these theories.

I've seen enough 20-year-olds with faces full of filler to argue it has the reverse effect. Certain celebrities - who shall remain nameless - still in their 20s and have been using Botox and filler for years, look, in my humble opinion, like 45 year olds trying to appear younger. Isn't that the exact opposite of the purpose of these procedures?

I want to emphasise, because this is the internet and people love to infer and get irate over their interpretations of opinion pieces, I have no problem with Botox and filler and I'm not against getting it at some point in the future. I do believe if we can delay Botox and filler until we're 35 and older, it will be better for us all in the long run.

You might disagree with me and guess what? That's perfectly fine. We can agree to disagree.