The passenger received glares from others to try and make them be quiet (Stock Photo)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

'I booked whole row of seats to myself on flight - then screaming kids got in the way'

This unimpressed passenger was taking the heat for the unruly children sat next to them on a plane - as the parents intentionally sat away from their children so they could drink and relax on the flight

by · The Mirror

There's nothing worse than being on a flight and sat by noisy children. Being the parent in that situation can be incredibly difficult too, as you try your best to keep them entertained while they are stuck in their seat. Screaming kids can cause real contention while travelling, and one woman was left mortified when they were sat next to two loud children as it wasn't just the loud noise they had to contend with.

Explaining that other passengers assumed they were the childrens' parent, the woman revealed other people were 'glaring' in a bid to get her to quieten the kids down. Although the actual parents were sitting behind, there wasn't much that could help the noise levels as they "whinged and whined" the whole flight.

Having to take an "unexpected flight" to see family, she explained how she'd had hoped for a relaxing flight during a stressful time, but got the complete opposite and was taking the brunt for the noisy children - who weren't even hers. "Due to a few factors: our ages, my engagement ring was on, us all sitting together in a row, and them having the same hair colour and skin tone as mine, everyone near us assumed they were MY kids. Even the crew. I got so many bad looks and comments around me for 'how loud I was letting them be' and 'some people can't control their own kids" but I don't even HAVE kids,' the disgruntled woman wrote.

After a stressful family visit, she explained how "emotionally and physically exhausted" she was and thought she had booked a whole row to herself - only to realise she hadn't. Instead she was sat next to two young children as their parents intentionally sat behind and enjoyed a drink. Taking to Reddit to share their ordeal, the woman wrote: "These kids whined the entire flight and fought. They made crude jokes and used electronics (iPad, phone, Nintendo's) without headphones. They fidgeted in their seats, wrestled each other, and were LOUD.

"It was also a late evening flight, so I was hoping to get a nap in or close my eyes before my fiancé picked me up for the drive home. However, even with my noise-cancelling headsets, I got no sleep due to them yelling or their arms or legs hitting me during their 'wrestling.' They were definitely old enough to know better. I looked back at the parents once during the two-and-a-half-hour flight and asked them if they could quiet down their kids please. They shot me a bad look, said 'kids' half-seriously once, laughed, and went back to drinking."

"So on top of an emotionally charged weekend, I not only didn't get to rest and relax on my flight back but also got flack for kids that aren't mine. I probably could have said more, but I was mentally exhausted and zoned out."

Reddit users were quick to give hilarious suggestions on how to get revenge on the parents, as one person suggested: "I would've threatened to start teaching them curse words and buying them Red Bulls. Go big or go home, right?" And another joked: "I would have told them their parents told me if they were quiet and good during the flight, they were going to get a puppy after they got home but shhhh, it's supposed to be a surprise!"

Whereas others shared how they would have kicked up more of a fuss. "I would have nicely asked a flight attendant to swap me or the kids with one of the parents in the other seats. Would have done it loud enough so that even if they couldn't accommodate, the parents and those around know what's up. Broken that little honeymoon right up," another wrote.

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