Erin divorced from Adam Britton after he was arrested on charges of abusing 42 dogs over an 18-month period(Image: Facebook)

Ex-wife of depraved dog rapist and torturer breaks her silence on 'evil' crimes

Twisted Adam Britton was jailed for more than 10 years in Australia after pleading guilty to 56 offences related to the torture and sexual exploitation of more than 42 animals on his rural property

by · The Mirror

The ex-wife of a crocodile expert recently exposed for horrendous abuse against animals has finally broken her silence.

Adam Britton, 53, was jailed for a decade by an Australian court earlier this year after admitting to 63 charges. These included bestiality, animal cruelty and the possession of child abuse material.

He was seized at the property he shared with his wife Erin in the outskirts of Darwin back in April 2022. The monster had filmed himself raping, torturing and killing 42 dogs during an 18-month period. To make his vile crimes even worse, he shared the horror footage online.

At the time of his arrest, his wife Erin had been away on a work trip. She discovered the news after receiving a call from the lawyer appointed to defend him.

Britton was jailed in August

Speaking to 60 Minutes, she said: "When she told me bestiality (charges) … my brain was in denial. It was so shocking and I felt sick, I couldn't speak."

While in prison, the monster is said to have wrote to his ex-wife and made a "disturbing request", asking him to send her books about dogs. The plea "messed" with her head, especially since he was in jail accused of sexually abusing canines.

"He's writing about this as if he can, sort of, continue his fantasies in his mind, and it makes me really angry," she said. Before his arrest, the couple had not been romantically connected for years and hadn't even slep in the same room. Erin divorced Britton in the wake of the disturbing charges.

A picture of the former couple together

She said she remains completely stunned as to how an individual can "be so depraved, so evil", adding that Britton "destroyed my entire life". It's understood that the majority of the offending took place while Erin was away on work trips, but she still finds herself questioning: "Why did I not know? What did I miss?"

The 53-year-old, who was arrested in April 2022, has also been banned from owning or keeping mammal-type animals for the rest of his life. Before delivering the sentence, the judge warned the public gallery that he would have to describe details of Britton's offences including "grotesque cruelty toward animals."

He told the British-born academic: "Your depravity falls outside any ordinary human conception". Members of the public gallery sobbed and gasped as the details of Britton's extensive and violent offending, resulting in the deaths of 39 dogs, including nine puppies, were read out.

The academic, who earned a PhD in zoology from Bristol University before relocating to Australia, began offending in 2014. He sexually abused his own pet dogs - Swiss Shepherds Ursa and Bolt - in a secret room constructed on his rural property in McMinns Lagoon near the city of Darwin.

After purchasing more animals, Britton would send pictures of them to the past owners before sexually abusing, torturing and killing 39 of the dogs. He continued until his arrest after a video of his vile acts, which he had shared online, was provided to Australia's Northern Territory animal welfare authorities.

The Brit had operated two Telegram accounts called 'Monster' and 'Cerberus' between 2020 and 2022, where he uploaded depraved videos of the acts. In one video an anonymous internet user noticed the adult female dog was wearing an orange City of Darwin leash with the slogan: "Great pets start with you."

This lead is what eventually led to his arrest, the MailOnline reports. The sleuth referred the footage to the NT Animal Welfare Branch via Gmail, which then referred the matter to police. A month after Britton posted the video online, his house was raided.