Move for Melanoma on

by · Castanet
Photo: Pixabay stock image

Move for Melanoma is underway in Penticton, running throughout the weekend and aiming to raise funds for Canadians touched by skin cancer.

The event is in its sixth year and has raised more than $425,000 for melanoma patients across the nation.

The event challenges Canadians to pick an activity challenge of their choice, whether that be walking, running, cycling or even dancing, while raising funds for the Save Your Skin Foundation.

The foundation supports skin cancer patients during their treatment, including cost of living, flights for medical care, accommodation, and the like.

Teams across Canada are now moving their way to help for melanoma patients. Penticton is currently the third fro the top fundraising city nationwide, at $7,453.

The event runs until Sept. 29. For more information or to donate, click here.