Labour's new climate envoy previously backed Extinction Rebellion

by · Mail Online

Labour's new climate envoy backed Extinction Rebellion and praised an eco-activist who glued themselves to the pavement outside Shell's HQ, it has been revealed.

Rachel Kyte, who has been named the UK's new 'Special Representative for Climate', once proudly wore a badge bearing Extinction Rebellion's logo at a major summit.

She also urged people to 'act now or get out the way' as the protest group plotted a week of civil disobedience.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy this week hailed Ms Kyte's 'expertise and experience' when she was appointed to her new role.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband also claimed she would be 'invaluable' to Labour's climate ambitions.

But the Tories said, by appointing Ms Kyte, Labour had shown they are 'not on the public's side' as they pointed to her past support for an 'extreme' group.

 Rachel Kyte was this week named as the UK's new 'Special Representative for Climate'
Ms Kyte was pictured wearing a badge bearing Extinction Rebellion's logo at the COP24 summit in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018
In the same month, she posted a link on social media to a Guardian newspaper article describing how the group were planning a 'week of international civil disobedience'
A year later, Ms Kyte used social media to praise Farhana Yamin, an environmental lawyer who had recently glued herself to the pavement outside Shell's headquarters in London
Ms Yamin took part in the Extinction Rebellion protest in the capital in April 2019
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband (left) and Foreign Secretary David Lammy both hailed the appointment of Ms Kyte this week

Ms Kyte was pictured wearing a badge bearing Extinction Rebellion's logo at the COP24 summit in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018.

In the same month, she posted a link on social media to a Guardian newspaper article describing how the group were planning a 'week of international civil disobedience'.

Ms Kyte wrote: 'Listen carefully to what young people, artists, mothers are demanding - act now or get out of the way. Rebels I've met are dignified, peaceful, determined.'

A year later, Ms Kyte used social media to praise Farhana Yamin, an environmental lawyer who had recently glued herself to the pavement outside Shell's headquarters in London.

'Love for @farhanaclimate,' Ms Kyte posted in May 2019 - a month after Extinction Rebellion had caused chaos in London with a days-long disruptive protest.

Tory MP Claire Coutinho, the shadow energy secretary, told the Telegraph: 'The Labour Party have taken £5million from someone who was happy to fund Just Stop Oil and have now appointed a climate envoy who has publicly supported Extinction Rebellion.

'These are groups who base their extreme demands on ideological fantasy not on the national interest. It shows again that Labour are not on the public's side.'

The newspaper reported that Ms Kyte had never been a member of Extinction Rebellion.

A spokesman for the group said: 'Rachel Kyte does not have an official role with Extinction Rebellion.

'But if she supports our demands for the Government to tell the truth about the severity of the climate and ecological emergency, act now with the urgency that is needed, and ensure any actions are fair and inclusive by making decisions together with everyday people, then we are hopefully pulling in the same direction.'

A Government spokesman said: 'Rachel Kyte is an outstanding choice to be climate special representative.

'She is a globally recognised expert on climate finance, with top level experience at the UN and World Bank.

'Few people have done more to promote making our financial system respond to the climate crisis.'