NHS GP says simple diet swaps can combat high cholesterol before drugs needed
by Ben Hurst · ChronicleLiveA straightforward dietary change could significantly lower the risk of a 'silent killer' that shows no symptoms but can lead to heart attacks and strokes. High cholesterol is a deadly condition, yet most people with it are completely oblivious as it silently escalates to dangerous levels.
Medical professionals warn that the first symptom of elevated cholesterol could be a heart attack or stroke. The British Heart Foundation estimates that nearly half of UK adults have cholesterol levels exceeding national guidelines (total cholesterol greater than 5mmol/L).
However, research by Novartis Pharmaceuticals reveals that over three-quarters (77%) of individuals are unaware of what constitutes a healthy cholesterol level in an adult, and only 6% know that the NHS advises people aged over 40 to have their cholesterol levels checked every five years.
"Two out of every five people have raised cholesterol," warns GP Dr Sarah Jarvis. "Many are living with a ticking time bomb without knowing it, and don't realise how vital cholesterol is to heart health. Too much cholesterol in your blood can clog your arteries and lead to heart attack and stroke. Yet if people don't have chest pain or palpitations and feel fine, they often assume they have nothing to worry about."
"But raised cholesterol very rarely causes any signs. That means people don't know they have it, or even start thinking about their levels, until they have a serious health issue such as a heart attack.", reports Surrey Live.
Diet is absolutely key to changing it round - and some simple swaps can really make a big difference.
Heart UK recommends you cut down on saturated fats and replace some with unsaturated fats vegetable oils, such as rapeseed and olive oils, and nuts, seeds and avocados are good sources. Switch to wholegrain foods, like wholegrain bread and pasta, instead of white bread and pasta, and eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
Choose healthy sources of protein, such as low-fat dairy foods instead of full-fat varieties, and chicken, beans, fish, nuts and seeds instead of red meat. If red meat is eaten, go for lean meat.
Try and eat two portions of fish a week, with at least one being oily, like salmon, sardines and mackerel.
Eat fewer processed foods such as biscuits, cakes and pastries, as these can be high in saturated fat, and choose foods fortified with sterols and stanols, such as spreads and dairy products, as these can help to decrease the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Jules Payne, chief executive of Heart UK said: "Healthy eating in particular can make a huge difference, whether your cholesterol has crept up over the years or you have a genetic cholesterol condition."
There are two primary forms of cholesterol high-density lipoproteins (HDL) is considered 'good' cholesterol, as it eliminates the 'bad' non-high-density lipoproteins (non-HDL) cholesterol from your bloodstream, transporting unnecessary cholesterol back to the liver for breakdown. Non-HDL cholesterol is labelled 'bad' because it can accumulate within the walls of blood vessels, leading to arterial narrowing and increasing the risk of heart attacks or strokes.
The BHF highlights that non-HDL cholesterol is linked with one in four deaths from heart and circulatory diseases.
Cholesterol is naturally produced by the liver, with some derived from our diet. Heart UK, a cholesterol charity (heartuk.org.uk), explains that high cholesterol can be triggered by various factors, including lifestyle and health issues, as well as uncontrollable factors such as age with high cholesterol becoming more probable as you age; gender men are more likely to have high cholesterol; and family history approximately one in 250 individuals suffer from familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH), a hereditary condition where cholesterol levels are higher than normal from birth.
Ms Payne from Heart UK highlighted the importance of understanding cholesterol's impact on heart health, stating: "Most people will understand that lower cholesterol levels are likely to be good for our heart health. However, what's less well known is that a number of different factors can lead to high cholesterol. While there's not a lot you can do about things like family history, age and gender, there are ways for people to lower and manage their levels. Making simple changes to lifestyle can keep your cholesterol levels and heart healthier."
In addition to dietary adjustments, Heart UK emphasises the role of physical activity in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Regular exercise is said to boost HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce non-HDL (bad) cholesterol, contributing to weight management.
The NHS advises adults to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. "Simple measures that can be taken, such as adding another hour or two to weekly exercise, can make a huge difference to a person's quality of life and help them reduce the risk of further health issues."
Heart UK has warned that smoking can make non-HDL cholesterol 'stickier', causing it to adhere to artery walls and block them. It also reduces levels of 'good' HDL cholesterol and damages artery walls, leading to cholesterol accumulation in the damaged areas.
Lifestyle modifications alone may not suffice to lower cholesterol, and medication, typically statins, may be prescribed if you have elevated levels. Heart UK states that statins can decrease your non-HDL cholesterol by 30%-50% and may help reduce cholesterol levels whether they're elevated due to lifestyle factors or genetic conditions like FH.
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