Little Bridge House children’s hospice in Fremington, North Devon(Image: Children's Hospice South West)

Concerns allayed by inspectors at Devon children's hospice

by · DevonLive

Concerns raised about how a Devon children's hospice was run have been allayed by inspectors following a responsive assessment being carried out.

Little Bridge House, run by Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW), in Fremington, Barnstaple, was reviewed by health and social care regulator Care Quality Commission (CQC) in May and August of this year.

The outcome of the inspection, published today, December 16, has seen the service retain its 'good' overall rating and 'outstanding' for being caring.

Little Bridge House opened in 1995 thanks to a £1million fundraising initiative. CHSE was founded by Eddie Farwell and his late wife Jill in 1991. The organisation now operates three children's hospices which serve more than 550 families.

Earlier this year, Eddie, its chief executive, confirmed plans to retire within a year. The CQC report said some staff told inspectors it had created anxiety due to the uncertainty and challenges that change can bring, and there had been a 'significant turnover' in the leadership team during the past thee years with the service having had three heads of care during that period.

Eddie Farwell pictured at Little Bridge House which opened its doors in 1995. Credit: CHSW

To bridge the management gap at the service, the deputy director of care for all three hospices had based themselves at the Little Bridge House which staff said had improved staff morale and offered support to the team leaders.

It was added the hospice is working towards providing a 24/7 service to support and meet the needs of its patients.

The report stated: "We found the service provided continuity of care and safe care for patients, however, the service was limited by the number of days it provided respite services as it was not open seven days a week. Overall well-led was rated as good which was the same as the previous inspection.

"There had been changes in the management structure, however, staff reported that they felt supported by the leadership team. The service was working on its vision and strategy and ensuring that this was produced in collaboration with its partners, including its staff base."

Patients and family members were said to all be positive about the staff treating them with warmth and kindness and providing safe care and treatment. They also reported feeling supported and that staff provided individualised care. Family members added they felt safe to raise concerns.