Due to heavy rainfall, 19,845 people affected by floods across 15 villages in Myitthar Township

· Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd

Heavy rainfall has caused significant flooding along the Panlaung River, affecting six wards and 15 villages in Myitthar Township. According to reports, 4,872 houses, 5,226 households, and a total of 19,845 people have been impacted by the rising waters.

This situation is attributed to intense weather patterns, with strong winds from the west of Myanmar, combined with heatwaves and warm winds from the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, as well as cold air currents moving in from China's high-pressure zones. These factors led to widespread heavy rainfall across several regions, starting in the afternoon of September 30, affecting areas including the Nay Pyi Taw Council area and other regions of the country.

Due to continuous downpours in the upper regions of the Panlaung River, heavy inflows of mountain streams were observed. On October 1, this caused the river to overflow in Myitthar  Township, Mandalay Region. Villages along the riverbanks, such as Ywakhinegyi, Eainshaytaung, Ka Sun, Myitson Gyi, and Shwe Paw Kyun, experienced flooding up to 4 feet. Myitthar Town and its surrounding areas, including Kyuntaw Ward, Myoma (East/West), and Butar Ward, as well as nearby villages like Kyunhla, Mashat, Nwarkulay, Laungtaw Oo, Ywamone Gyi, Hway, Letpanseik, and Ohn kone, saw water levels rise up to 5 feet. Additionally, in Myitthar Town's Min Kon, Shan Pwe, Shwe Tha Htay, and Oakshikone wards, floodwaters reached around 3 feet.

In Myitthar Township, six wards and 15 villages were affected by severe flooding, impacting 4,872 houses, 5,226 households, and a total of 19,845 people. As part of the relief efforts, 27 temporary flood shelters were established to assist 1,180 homes, 1,190 households, and 4,157 individuals. Local military personnel, police officers, firefighters, government departments, and charitable organizations helped relocate the affected families.

Additionally, food and essential supplies were provided to ensure the affected population's well-being, while necessary healthcare services were also being offered. Authorities visited the sites to coordinate and address immediate needs.

According to local officials, timely warnings and evacuations were made before the flood occurred, preventing any casualties or injuries among the residents.

Given the current weather conditions, with heavy rainfall, strong winds, thunderstorms, lightning strikes, hail, flash floods, and landslides being potential hazards, residents living near elevated areas have been warned to be cautious of landslides. Those living near small rivers and streams have also been advised to be vigilant for potential flooding. The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has issued alerts for both inland waterways and air travel to take necessary precautions.