Bound dead seal found

· Castanet
Fisheries and Oceans Canada strongly recommends not handling carcasses of wild animals.Photo: Photo illustration provided.

A gruesome discovery has been made along Richmond's popular South Dyke Trail.

Located near the trail's east end, a seal was found around a month ago with a rope tightly tied around its neck, possibly showing signs of being asphyxiated. 

A Richmond resident told the News the rotting carcass is lodged between debris and cannot be removed by the tide, posing a potential health hazard.

As of Thursday, the seal was still on the rocks but the rope appears to have been removed.

A strong smell emanating from the site alerted the resident to the animal’s presence. The BC SPCA could not confirm whether the seal had been killed deliberately.

The News approached the City of Richmond, who said there is no clear jurisdiction in these situations and they are dealt with on a case-to-case basis. 

However, if a carcass is problematic and lingers, city crews can help nature’s process by moving the animal closer to the water.

A general location has been given to staff and will be shared with crews for inspection.

According to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), disturbing and/or killing a marine mammal is strictly prohibited, and fines for violations of regulations can reach up to $100,000.

Due to health concerns, it is highly recommended not to handle the carcasses of any wild animals, as they can transmit deadly bacteria to humans and other animals.

Generally, the DFO only deals with deceased animals for statistical purposes, and the BC SPCA does not handle wildlife.

If you see a marine mammal being harmed or harassed, report it to the DFO at 1-800-465-4336, or email