Why weight won't stay gone

· Castanet
Photo: Contributed

When it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body, one of the most important concepts to understand is your body’s set point.

Your set point is the weight range your body naturally gravitates towards, the range in which it feels most comfortable and functions most efficiently. Understanding your set point, and how your body type influences it is key to achieving and maintaining your desired weight in a healthy, sustainable way.

Your set point is essentially the weight range your body fights to maintain. This range is determined by a combination of factors, including your genetics, hormones, and lifestyle. Have you ever tried to lose weight and no matter what you do, it always pops back up to the same spot? That's set point.

Think of your set point like the thermostat in your home. When the temperature drops below your desired setting, the thermostat kicks in to bring the temperature back up. Similarly, if your body weight drops below your set point, your body responds by slowing your metabolism and increasing hunger signals to encourage you to eat more and regain the lost weight.

Conversely, if you gain weight, your body will increase your metabolism and suppress your appetite to bring you back to your set point.

While this mechanism is great for preventing rapid weight gain or loss, it can be frustrating if you’re trying to change your body composition. However, it’s important to know that your set point is not fixed. With the right approach, you can gradually lower your set point so that your body naturally wants to stay at a healthier, leaner weight.

The role of body types

Understanding your body type is crucial when it comes to managing your set point and achieving your desired weight. There are three main body types—ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Each body type has its own unique characteristics that influence metabolism, weight loss and body composition.

• Ectomorph: Ectomorphs are typically slim, with a fast metabolism and a naturally low body fat percentage. They often have difficulty gaining weight, both in terms of muscle and fat. Because their metabolism is so fast, ectomorphs seem to be able to eat whatever they want without gaining weight, but they may struggle to put on weight. For ectomorphs, the challenge is often building and maintaining muscle, which requires a focus on strength training and a higher intake of protein and healthy fats.

• Mesomorph: Mesomorphs are naturally muscular and have a more athletic build. They tend to gain muscle easily and have a moderate metabolism, making it relatively easy for them to maintain a healthy weight. However, mesomorphs can also gain fat quickly if they’re not balancing their food. For mesomorphs, the key to managing their set point is balancing their PFCs (protein, fats, and carbohydrates) and staying consistent with both strength training.

• Endomorph: Endomorphs have a higher tendency to store fat and often have a slower metabolism. They typically have a rounder, softer body shape and may struggle with weight loss. For endomorphs, it’s essential to focus on nutrient-dense foods, regular exercise, and managing stress levels to keep cortisol in check and prevent weight gain. Building lean muscle mass through strength training is particularly important for endomorphs, as it helps boost metabolism and shift their set point down to a healthier range.

If you want to achieve and maintain a new, healthier weight, it’s important to understand this process takes time. Your body needs to adjust to its new weight and set point gradually, which means you need to maintain your healthy habits consistently for at least two to three months after reaching your desired weight.

This period allows your body to adapt to its new set point, recalibrating your metabolism, hormones, and hunger signals to align with your new weight. If you revert to old habits too quickly, your body will naturally try to return to its previous set point, undoing much of your hard work.

Thatis why it’s so important to focus on creating a lifestyle of health rather than simply following a diet. Diets are typically restrictive, short-term, and unsustainable, which is why so many people regain the weight and reaffirm the set point they're trying to lower once they stop dieting.

On the other hand, a lifestyle approach using food to create hormonal balance and stabilize blood sugar and is focused on making lasting changes will allow you to achieve and maintain your goals for life.

To get long-term results, you need a plan that is simple, sustainable, and satisfying. This means finding a way of eating and moving your body that you can do anytime, anywhere, and in any situation. If your plan is too complicated, requires special foods or equipment, or leaves you feeling deprived, it’s not going to work in the long run.

Simplicity is key. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body and keep you satisfied. Make sure your meals are balanced, with a good mix of protein, healthy fats, and fibre-rich unprocessed carbohydrates. That will help stabilize your blood sugar, keep your energy levels steady, fire up metabolism and prevent cravings.

Sustainability is about consistency. Rather than going on and off diets, eating in a way that works with the way your body was designed to function allows all your body's organs and systems to function synergistically together to support a healthy weight.

Finally, satisfaction is essential. If you’re not enjoying what you’re eating or how you’re moving your body, you’re not going to stick with it. Find activities that you love, whether it’s dancing, hiking or lifting weights and make them a regular part of your routine. Experiment with new recipes and flavours to keep your meals fun, fresh and enjoyable.

If you've been struggling, understanding your set point and body type is the first step to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. By creating a lifestyle of health that is simple, sustainable, and satisfying, you can gradually lower your set point and enjoy lasting results.

Remember, it’s not just about losing weight – it’s about living a healthy, vibrant life that you can enjoy for years to come.

For more information on balancing blood sugar to support set point, watch Tania's video here.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.