Katie spent the first few years after the attack 'uncomfortable' with her new appearance but has now found 'confidence' (Pictured with boyfriend Michael) (Image: Katie Gee© SWNS)

'I survived an acid attack and 70 operations - my life has completely changed'

Katie Gee had travelled to Zanzibar to volunteer in the historic city of Stone Town but was left with 35% burns to the right side of her face and body after being attacked by two strangers

by · Birmingham Live

A victim of a horrifying acid attack in Zanzibar, resulting in an astonishing 70 surgeries, now feels 'confident' with her scars. Katie Gee was only 18 when she was attacked with acid by two unknown men while volunteering in the historic city of Stone Town.

The brutal assault not only charred her ear 'to a crisp', but also left 35% of the right side of her face and body severely burned. She had no choice but to embark on a gruelling recovery journey, spending two-and-a-half months in the burns unit at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Now 29, Katie reflected: "I was on the way and two men on a motorbike came past. They stopped for half a second. I was about to turn to say 'what do they want?' and as I was turning back they threw it.

"I tried to wipe my eyes. I tried to read the number plate. It started to burn straight away. I wasn't sure at first if it was a really hot pot of coffee. I had heard of Katie Piper. I put two and two together."

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Katie remembered a restaurant she'd previously visited that had a shower inside. She rushed there and was horrified by what she saw in the mirror.

Katie has started documenting her story on TikTok to help others with body confidence and makeup for scarred skin (Image: Katie Gee© SWNS)

"It was a yellow, green colour. I was wearing baggy trousers, trainers and a t-shirt and hoodie," she said. "The acid was burning through the hoodie and burnt off the trousers. My ear got burnt off. They said it had burnt off like a crisp."

For the next three years, Katie had to wear a plastic face mask while undergoing 70 surgeries, including 12-hour skin graft procedures The experience was not just physically taxing but 'uncomfortable', as it drew unwanted attention from onlookers and even led to instances where acquaintances failed to recognise her.

Nowadays, Katie has embraced her scars, choosing to see them as a mark of resilience rather than a source of shame. She's taken to TikTok to candidly share her journey, hoping to inspire confidence in others facing similar challenges and offering guidance on makeup for scarred skin.

Her academic achievements shine too, having graduated from Nottingham University with a 2:1 in sociology. Katie's professional life saw her delve into real estate for five years before recent contemplations about a change in career direction.

Her philosophy on body positivity is crystal clear: "I want to be a body positive person who is confident in her scars," she said, and later added: "Now if someone wants to stares I will just stare back and make them feel very uncomfortable. I don't have any shame anymore."

The culprits - who 'smiled' before dousing Katie in acid - have never been caught over the attack in the main city Stone Town. Katie said: "It is still something I think about every day."

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