Calgarians line up for river water in Baker Park during city-imposed water restrictions on June 25, 2024. Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia

Calgarians saved 9 billion litres of water while under mandatory restrictions, says city

While the latest conservations savings may be presented 'as a win,' they also point up the need to reduce water wastage, said Ward 2 Coun. Jennifer Wyness

by · Calgary Herald

Efforts by Calgarians to conserve water during a summer of restrictions saved nine billion litres, the city said Thursday.

That reduction in consumption was realized since various levels of restrictions went into effect after a catastrophic break in the Bearspaw South Feeder Main in Montgomery on June 5.

The amount is six times the 1.5 billion litres saved during 2½ months of Stage 1 consumption limits in response to drought conditions, meaning water conserved this summer would fill 3,600 Olympic-sized swimming pools.