The incident is under investigation. - File photo.

Two men fatally shot by police in Rivoli, Spanish Town

· The Gleaner

A late-night confrontation between the police and two men in Rivoli, Spanish Town, St Catherine on Friday ended in tragedy as both men were fatally shot. 

The incident occurred around 9 o'clock when cops engaged the men during an operation in the area.

The police say they seized two firearms - a Smith & Wesson pistol with a magazine containing two 9mm rounds and a shotgun. 

The men killed in the exchange have been identified as Marco Miller, also known as 'Izzy,' and Alex Phillipot, alias as 'Toby', both of Buck Town in Rivoli.

It is reported that a team of police were on patrol in the area when the action of the men arose their suspicion.

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The police reportedly called out to them and the men fired shots and ran towards the river in the Ferdyne Close area.

The police reportedly pursued the men but when they reached the river the team was reportedly attacked by a man with a rifle.

The team shout 'police'.

The man reportedly fired and a shootout ensued during which he was hit and the gun seized.

The police said that the team observed the door of a house opened and upon entry a man was seen with a gun, which he reportedly pointed at the cops.

He was shot by the police and the weapon seized.

The police's Inspectorate of Professional Standards Oversight Bureau and the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) are conducting separate probes into the shooting.

- Ruddy Mathison / Rasbert Turner