Gabriela Morris joins prestigious EU Visitors Programme

· The Gleaner
Senator Gabriella MorrisonContributed
Newly-appointed EU Ambassador to Jamaica, Erja AskolaContributed

SENATOR GABRIELA Morris has joined the list of Jamaican politicians selected to participate in the prestigious European Union Visitors Programme(EUVP) in Brussels and Strasbourg. The EUVP seeks to foster long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between political leaders, experts and opinion shapers from all over the world, and their European counterparts.

During the week-long tour from October 5-12, Morris met other young influential people from around the world who are making positive contributions to their country’s development in a variety of roles. She also met with EU officials, policymakers and experts to gain insights into the EU, its institutions, Member States and people and attended a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Each year, the EU Delegation in Jamaica proposes candidates for consideration to participate in the programme. The final selections are made by a committee of the European Parliament.

Newly-appointed EU Ambassador to Jamaica Erja Askola expressed the EU’s pleasure in Senator Morris’ selection, emphasising the programme’s role in facilitating lasting connections and strengthening relations between the EU and Jamaica.

“With the current challenges facing the world today, people-to-people contacts such as those provided through the EU Visitors’ Programme are very important to foster deeper mutual understanding, and connections that are needed to promote cross-cultural solutions to global challenges”, she stated.

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Senator Morris said as a young leader who is passionate about making apositive difference in Jamaica and the world, she was honoured to represent Jamaica in the EUVP.

“The EUVP gave me an incredible opportunity to deepen my understanding of global governance and the European Union’s role in fostering peace, security, and development. I am excited and committed to work with international development partners such as the EU in areas of mutual interest,” she stated.

She reflected favourably on the opportunity to visit the European Parliament. “My most memorable experience was attending the European Parliament’s plenary session, which was a powerful reminder of the importance of international collaboration in addressing global challenges.”

At just age 23, Morris became Jamaica’s youngest senator in 2020. As amember of the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP), she serves as spokesperson on youth and civic engagement; president of the PNP’s Youth Organisation and MP caretaker for North West St Ann.

Past EUVP participants from Jamaica are Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Kamina Johnson Smith; former PNP Senator Imani Duncan-Price; Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Floyd Green; General Secretary of the People’s National Party, Julian Robinson; Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles Jr; Opposition Spokesperson on Education & Community Development, Senator Damion Crawford, and Government MPs Matthew Samuda and Kerensia Morrison.