Pupils of Chinese heritage receive the best results at school

by · Mail Online

Pupils of Chinese heritage on free school meals now achieve better results than white British pupils from wealthier backgrounds, a report on ethnicity in British society found today. 

These children in England received an average attainment score, based on their eight best GCSE results, of 58.4 - compared to 51.1 for white British pupils who are not entitled to free school meals and 33.2 for those who are

Researchers from Policy Exchange found the latter group of white pupils unperformed their poorer peers of Bangladeshi, Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian and Pakistani heritage. 

Sir Trevor Phillips, who wrote the foreword to the think-tank's report, said this was proof 'the traditional orthodoxy that life chances are determined by a simple black and white binary has been overturned'. 

The study found multiple areas in which ethnic minority groups ranked higher on indicators of educational attainment, wealth and life outcomes than those categorised as white British.  

This graph shows educational attainment among different ethnic groups in England based on their best eight GCSE results  
Policy Exchange's Educational and Economic Index consists of four main factors: level of school attainment; the proportion of workers in directorships, senior managerial positions, and other professional roles; average hourly pay; and the rate of home ownership
A file photo of pupils sitting their GCSE exams  

Pupils of Chinese heritage did best at school overall in 2021-22, followed by those of Indian ethnicity.

The ethnic group with the highest concentration of professional workers was Indian – with two in five Indian-heritage people working in this form of occupation compared to 25.7 per cent for the population as a whole. 

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People belonging to the Indian ethnicity also had the highest rate of home ownership at 71 per cent compared to the average figure of 63 per cent. 

White males overall were found to have the second lowest life expectancy of 79.7 after mixed race people (79.3). 

It said this disparity could be due to a range of factors including lower rates of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption in ethnic minority groups, as well as 'stronger family-oriented networks'.     

The report, A Portrait of Modern Britain: Ethnicity and Religion, found more than half of people from ethnic minority backgrounds think class is more important than race in determining whether someone succeeds in modern day Britain.

The report, which was backed by former Cabinet minister Nadim Zahawi, also looked at cultural attitudes among Britons. 

The report found more than half of people from ethnic minority backgrounds think class is more important than race in determining whether someone succeeds in modern day Britain
The report criticised the 'Americanisation' of the debate around race and class in Britain 
Researchers asked respondents how important they thought various factors were in determining a person's ability to succeed in modern Britain 
All ethnic groups were found to agree that Britain has been a force of good in the world 

When asked 'how important is a sense of Britishness to your identity' on a scale of 0 to 10, the average score for each ethnic group polled was between 5 and 6, only marginally lower than that of the population as a whole (6.25). 

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The researchers described this as 'a highly positive result given this sample included a significant number of ethnic-minority individuals who had been born overseas and may be recently-arrived migrants'. 

In every ethnic-minority group polled, there was net agreement with the statement that, 'On balance, throughout history, Britain has been a force for good in the world.' 

Among Britons overall, 60 per cent said 'on balance', Britain had been a force for good in the world throughout history.

Just 13 per cent disagreed. Events from British history that people took most pride in included the nation's role in the world wars, Magna Carta, the Industrial Revolution and the abolition of the slave trade.

It suggests that those on the Left who encourage others to feel ashamed of Britain's history are in the minority.

Survey respondents were asked about the extent to which recent historical events affected their sense of pride in Britain  
All groups agreed that children raised in Britain should be taught to be proud of the country and its history 
White males overall were found to have the second lowest life expectancy of 79.7 after mixed race people (79.3)

The report says while Britain is largely 'at ease' with being one of the most diverse countries in Europe, riots sparked by the killing of three girls in Southport this summer 'showed us social cohesion is more fragile than we thought'.

It calls on ministers to launch a national integration strategy which should include teaching schoolchildren of every ethnic background to 'be proud of their national heritage'.

Sir Trevor said: 'Policy Exchange's portrait of our nation teaches us one thing above all – our future rests on managing our diversity and complacency is the surest pathway to the growth of extremism and conflict.'