Moment man is horrifically gored to death by bull at Spanish festival

by · Mail Online

This is the horrifying moment a man was gored to death by a bull during a traditional street bull run in Spain, after he tripped on a curb as the rampaging animal chased after him. 

The victim was identified as a 57-year-old resident of Xirivella, Spain, who was gored in La Vall de Uxo on Sunday as he took part in a bull run meant to honour the town's Christian patron saints.

The bull was chasing after the runners along two streets. When they turned a corner to enter the second street, the victim tripped over the curb of the pavement and fell.

Dramatic footage shows the bull charging at him as he is about to get up, not allowing him to get away.

It repeatedly rams and gores the man while he is lying on the ground.

Other runners gather around and watch helplessly as the bull lifts up the impaled man with its horns and tosses him against a wall, then continues attacking him.

The victim was identified as a 57-year-old resident of Xirivella, Spain , who was gored in La Vall de Uxo on Sunday
It repeatedly rams and gores the man while he is lying on the ground
The man was loaded into an ambulance and taken to a hospital, but once there he suffered a cardiac arrest

It refuses to back down despite others even risking their own safety to divert the bull's attention, which ultimately leaves the victim lying motionless on the ground as the video ends.

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Bull runner is smashed into the air then gored after slipping at Spanish festival

Those who stood closest by were eventually able to evacuate the 57-year-old man on a stretcher to a place away from the bull.

He was loaded into an ambulance and taken to a hospital, but once there he suffered a cardiac arrest.

Doctors later declared him dead after all resuscitation attempts failed.

Following the incident, the Vall de Uxo Town Hall has suspended all events scheduled for the rest of the day. It has expressed its condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

This was reportedly the third incident where a person got attacked by a bull during past week's festival, although none were fatal.

The first incident occurred on Thursday when a spectator was gored while watching the bullfights from behind a mousetrap in a house. He sustained a minor leg injury as he managed to shield himself from the animal.

On Saturday, another individual received up to four horn wounds in various parts of the body. He had a similar accident to yesterday's, slipping at a corner.