Instant karma for puppy-kicking pensioner

by · Mail Online

An elderly woman received a dose of instant karma after she took a swing at a defenceless dog. 

In the footage, taken in Shandong, China, a small puppy can be seen on the side of the pavement when a woman - holding her hands behind her back -  approaches the pooch. 

As the dog rears its head to look at the woman she kicks the puppy. 

Why she took such a strong dislike to one of man's best friends is unclear. 

Luckily the pup moves out of the way just as the woman hits him and instead it is the woman who very quickly regrets her actions as she loses her balance and falls over. 

In the footage, taken in Shandong province in north west China shows the small puppy sat on the side of the pavement when a woman in her 80s approaches the pooch
As the dog rears its head to look at the woman - holding her hands behind her back - kicks the puppy. Her motives for why she took such a strong dislike to one of man's best friends is unclear
Luckily the pup moves out of the way just as the woman hits him and instead it is the woman who very quickly regrets her actions as she loses her balance and falls over

Meanwhile, the dog is able to leave the area unscathed. 

It understood that the woman took a swing the dog because she believed it was ignoring her. 

The woman sustained minor bruises from her fall. 

Shockingly, she then attempted to claim compensations from the dog's owner after she claimed it attacked her. 

However, her claims were rejected when the CCTV evidence emerged.