Severe flooding in Kalaw Township: ongoing cleanup and urgent need for aid

· Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd

Reports indicate that Kalaw Township in southern Shan State, which suffered significant casualties and damage due to severe flooding, is still undergoing the cleanup of mud and debris. There is an ongoing need for support and aid.

"The rain was heavy, and the land collapsed. I've never seen a flood like this before, with water reaching the downtown area. Government offices and schools were submerged. Many houses near the creeks were heavily damaged, and some were completely washed away. There's a lot of destruction. Even though the water has receded, the mud still hasn't been cleared. In downtown, the mud is knee-deep in some places. Direct donations are more effective. Assistance is still needed. We hope that donations can reach the most severely affected areas. The mudslides and floods brought a lot of debris, and cleaning up will take time. Many people are still sheltering in monasteries. Those whose houses are still standing can return once the cleanup is done, but for those who lost their homes, it’s unclear what they will do. I've heard that some neighborhoods are registering flood victims, but in our area, we still don’t know where to submit our names," said a flood victim in Kalaw Township.

"In Kalaw, there was a household where four people died. Only the father, who was away at work, survived. When he returned, he found only the bodies of his wife and three children. In another case, a mother and her daughter were swept away while moving their belongings to a safer place. The house was also washed away. Some houses were completely destroyed, and many more were damaged. Our team has provided financial and material assistance to those in need, ensuring that donations reach those who need them most. However, the needs are so great that even carefully allocated aid is insufficient. There is still mud in the city, and the damage is extensive," said a member of the Hinthada District Network Charity Group, who was assisting with flood relief efforts in Shan State.

It was also reported that many residents who fled for safety during the floods were unable to bring their clothes or household items with them and now require assistance to rebuild their lives.