Photo - Win Zaw Oo

Thaton post-primary teachers and students donate to aid flood victims in central Myanmar

by · Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd

Donations were made by teachers and students from post-primary schools in Thaton town in order to help the people affected by natural disasters in central Myanmar, according to the residents.

In order to provide support for the restoration works for the people of the areas in Mandalay, Bago regions and Nay Pyi Taw that have been affected by natural disasters, under the leadership of Monk Baddanta Sandhima, the Presiding Sayardaw of Bayar Ngar Su Monastery, they opened a donation center at the Thaton Bu Pagoda and accepted donations and donated items, said a resident.

He continued, "We have received donations and items until September 20, and on September 21, we will leave from Thaton with 11 cars to aid the affected areas."

In order to support the people affected by natural disasters in central Myanmar, the people of Thaton and donors from other areas with the associations in Thaton donated cash and supplies and in addition, teachers and students from post-primary schools in Thaton town also donated money.

“On September 20, the headmistress, teachers and students from post-primary school in the south of Thaton Pagoda donated more than 2.1 million kyats. The headmistress, teachers and students from primary school (lower road) in Bin Hlaing Ward, Thaton, also contributed 216,000 kyats,” said the resident.

It is reported that the disaster relief team that left Thaton will go to the disaster-affected areas in Tanugoo Township of Bago Region and in TatkonTown of Nay Pyi Taw council area.