CHAS Hairy Highland Coo Trail: Best pictures from Scone Palace farewell weekend

by · The Courier

Families flocked to Scone Palace this weekend to grab the final selfies on the Hairy Highland Coo Trail.

The organisers of this year’s summer hit brought all 30 sculptures – and a few more besides – together for a farewell weekend.

Visitors to the palace enjoyed their first – and last – opportunity to see all of the coos together before they are auctioned in aid of CHAS on Thursday,

The children’s hospice charity, which runs Rachel House at Kinross, is hoping to rake in as much as £100,000 to support its work.

The sculptures have been on display at locations across Perth and Kinross this summer.

Rami Okasha, CHAS CEO said hew wanted to send  “a heartfelt thank you” to everyone who had made the Hairy Highland Coo Trail such a success.

“CHAS provides unwavering care to children who may die young and their families, at every step on this hardest of journeys,” he said.

Did you enjoy the Hairy Highland Coo Trail farewell weekend? See if you can spot yourself in our pictures.

The CHAS Hairy Highland Coo sculptures gather at Scone Palace for a farewell weekend. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Crowds attending the event. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
”Strawberry Swirl” alongside artist Samantha Dolan. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
”Lavender” and ”Poppy” (mini coo) alongside the artist Silvia Whitely. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
The herd of mini sculptures. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
”Ossian” alongside the artist Douglas Roulston. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
‘Healin Coo” alongside artist Gill Hastie. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
There was a big turnout for the event. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
”Big Tree COOntry” alongside artist Charlie Dear. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Sculptures were at Scone Palace for a farewell weekend. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Sophie Martin (aged 6) and Sam Martin (aged 3) from Scone alongside ”Hamish the Doodle Coo” (artist Frankie Curtis). Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
The ‘Wee Coo Trail’ all together. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Rio Moore (artist coordinator), artist of ”PeaCOOck”. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Katie Inch (aged 7) and Tom Inch (aged 4) from Longforgan alongside ”Songbird” (artist Charlie Stafford). Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Amelia (aged 12) and cousin Hunter (aged 2) from Crieff in front of ”Saltire Scotland” (artist Jan Laird). Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Cora (aged 10 months) alongside family friends dog Nessie (aged 2) from Perth – in front of ”Nighttime Woodland” (artist Adriana de Matos). Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson