Perthshire businessman spared jail for sex chats with ‘schoolgirl’

by · The Courier

A Tayside businessman blamed money worries and relationship troubles for his increasingly explicit sex chats with what he thought was a 13-year-old girl.

Iain Moody ordered the child to strip for him, tried to persuade her to skip school and asked if she wanted “full sex”.

He did not know the youngster was actually a decoy account operated by an undercover police officer.

The 42-year-old returned to Perth Sheriff Court for sentencing having previously admitted attempting to communicate indecently with a child from his then-home in Rattray, Blairgowrie, between June 19 and 22 last year.

The court heard Moody, who already has a sexual offence conviction from 2004, lost his job and his girlfriend when the gut-churning text exchange came to light.

‘Disgust and shame’

Sheriff Jennifer Bain KC told Moody: “You communicated with someone you thought to be a 13-year-old girl in a sexually explicit manner.

“You were undeterred when you were told her age.

“Moreover, expressions of fear or reluctance in relation to sexual matters by her were met with more graphic descriptions and requests from you.”

Iain Moody appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

She said: “Had you actually communicated with a 13-year-old girl, there is little doubt these communications would have resulted in considerable anxiety and upset.

“They would likely have had a lasting impact.”

The sheriff noted Moody was deemed a “medium risk” of committing another sexual offence.

“There is also no evidence to show you hold deviant sexual interests.

“Although you appear to minimise things by having said you don’t remember the conversations, I note you have expressed disgust and shame at what you did.

“You cite issues in your relationship and mounting debts in relation to your business as reasons for your altered mindset.

“But I am sure you are well aware, there is no excuse for your behaviour.”

Moody, now of Pitcairlie, near Newburgh, was placed on supervision and ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work.

He must also stay on the sex offenders register for two years.

Urged ‘girl’ to use pill

The text exchanges were described by the sheriff as “truly appalling”.

Prosecutor Duncan McKenzie said the decoy account was contacted by Moody on social media platform Kik.

He asked: “How’s things?”

She replied: “I’m 13 from Birmingham.”

Moody responded: “Sorry, didn’t realise how young you are.”

Iain Moody hid his face as he left Perth Sheriff Court at the last hearing.

However, his messages continued and became more explicit.

At one point he told her he was naked and urged her to “skip a class or two”.

He then asked her to strip “maybe slowly, while dancing.”

Moody later asked if she wanted “full sex”.

When she said she was scared of becoming pregnant, he told her: “Lol, you can get the pill. It’s much better when no condom is used.”

Moody said he was engaging in a sex act and urged her to do to same.

He then went into horrifying detail about what he would do to the youngster.

Taking steps to avoid repeat

Solicitor Jamie Baxter, defending, said his client was given contact details for the account from a user on another adult “flirting” site and “was expecting to talk with an adult”.

He stressed mitigating factors to keep his client at liberty.

“He has lived a hard working life.

“As a consequence of this incident, the relationship he was involved in ended completely.

“He had lost his job during Covid and that led to substantial debts.”

Mr Baxter said: “He is genuine in his remorse and is taking steps to ensure he doesn’t end up in this situation again.”

Moody was now considering a move to England, the court heard.

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