Brechin warned Storm Babet recovery report will ‘not bring answers’ one year on

by · The Courier

Brechin residents have been warned a report on the impact of Storm Babet is unlikely to deliver the answers they want about recovery.

And the consultants’ document into the challenge facing Angus Council in the wake of last October’s disaster has been delayed further.

It is now scheduled to be presented to councillors in November.

But the authority’s chief executive says it is important residents and businesses are realistic around what it will contain.

Kathryn Lindsay stressed it will not give the community “specific answers”.

River Street council houses still empty

More than 60 council houses in the worst hit area around River Street are still uninhabitable.

In July, councillors heard an options appraisal on the most severely damaged homes was due for completion this month.

Hundreds of people living near the River South Esk were rescued from their homes during Storm Babet. Image: Paul Reid

It is part of the wider work going on in the town and beyond.

The council has been issuing regular updates in the Brechin Beyond the Flood section of the Engage Angus online portal.

New SNP administration leader Bill Duff said the recovery from Babet is probably the “number one challenge” the council faces.

“I would have to say I think our communication on Brechin has been perhaps not the best,” he admitted.

And the cautionary note sounded by chief executive Ms Lindsay came during the latest full council meeting.

Angus Council CEO Kathryn Lindsay. Image: Angus Council

She said: “It is our intention to bring an updated report to the next full council in November.

“That’s the deadline we’re working towards.

“I should, just to manage expectations at this point, be very clear that will not be a report that sets out the specific answers and directions of travel.

“It will be an updated report which will brief members fully on where things are.

“It will probably have some key interim decisions for you to take at that stage.

“It’s anticipated a full briefing will be available to members in advance of that.”

Constant call for answers locally

Brechin Independent councillor Jill Scott said: “I can’t help but feel people in Brechin will feel incredibly let down by this.

“This storm ruined lives and destroyed businesses.

“And every day I get asked what is happening.

“We were told to expect this report in October. Now it’s going to be November – hopefully.

River Street homes bore the brunt of Storm Babet’s floodwaters. Image: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

“But it’s almost definitely not going to give folk the answers to questions they’ve been asking for months.”

She added: “No-one disputes the scale of the challenge this presented our staff, during the storm itself and the many months since.

“From the get go Brechin felt it was forgotten. Don’t forget the last chief executive had to push the Scottish Government from the very start because Angus was being ignored.

“And we’ve now got the new leader admitting the council’s own communication could have been better.

“At least Ms Lindsay has been upfront and honest – but it’s definitely not what people in Brechin want to hear.”