How technology is revolutionising education

How technology is revolutionising education: AR, smartboards, and beyond

As technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly continue to impact schools, bringing both challenges and opportunities. The goal should be to use these tools not just to replicate traditional methods but to reimagine education, preparing students to thrive in a world where technology and innovation are integral to success. 

by · India Today

In recent years, technology has profoundly transformed the way schools operate, teaching methodologies, and student engagement. From Augmented Reality (AR) to interactive whiteboards, learning management systems (LMS), and the increasing role of mobile devices like iPads, modern education has experienced a paradigm shift. Students are no longer passive recipients of information; they are active participants, manipulating data or ideas projected onto screens for a more engaged learning experience.

Augmented Reality and Interactive Tools in Education

One of the most innovative tools in education today is Augmented Reality (AR), which allows students to experience concepts in a more immersive and hands-on manner. Whether it's exploring the human body in biology class or walking through ancient historical sites in social studies, AR brings content to life.

In addition to AR, interactive whiteboards and projectors have made lessons more dynamic. These digital boards allow teachers to blend traditional instruction with interactive digital media, supporting multiple learning styles.

Moreover, Learning Management Systems (LMS) have drastically improved how teachers manage classroom content, assignments, and grading. Platforms like Google Classroom and Moodle offer a central hub for resources, discussion forums, and submissions, ensuring that students have access to course materials anytime, anywhere.

Here's an explainer from Naveen KM, Managing Director, Trio World Academy.

iPads in Education: A Versatile Tool for Learning and Teaching

Among the array of educational technologies, one of the most versatile and impactful tools is the iPad. This portable and powerful device has transformed education from the classroom to the home environment.

One of the iPad’s key strengths is its multimodal nature, enabling each student to express themselves in unique ways. From creating digital artwork to writing code, the device empowers students to explore and showcase their learning at their own pace, through the medium that best suits them. With apps that support different languages and varied ways for students in a diverse and multicultural environment to express themselves, whether through text, drawing, or audio. Thus, iPads encourage a more inclusive learning environment.

For younger students who are just beginning to read and write or enhancing their numeracy skills, the iPad provides tools that make learning engaging and fun. Apple’s educational ecosystem, including the Apple Pencil and apps like Apple Maps, enhances both teaching and learning, making complex subjects more accessible through intuitive, hands-on interactions.

Cultivating Creativity and Collaboration

In addition to academic instruction, iPads also help students express their creativity. A few apps allow students to compose music, while design applications enable them to explore visual arts. Such tools help students take ownership of their learning, fostering a creative mindset that extends beyond traditional subjects. iPads offer students the opportunity to capture their environment using the device’s high-quality camera, helping them make real-world connections with their studies.

Even well-being can be nurtured using iPads. Questionnaires and check-ins can be easily conducted to monitor students’ emotional health, and educators can ensure a balanced focus on both academic achievement and positive well-being. This feature is especially important where resilience and emotional intelligence are increasingly recognised as key to success.

Moreover, students can create their own podcasts, or use flashcards for learning, engaging in both independent and collaborative projects. Whether students work individually, in pairs, or in groups, the iPad adapts to the needs of the task, making it an ideal tool for a wide range of learning scenarios. Additionally, the iPad allows students to develop ideas, create action plans, and bring those ideas to life through apps that teach coding and software development, fostering a sense of accomplishment and real-world applicability.

Enhancing Teacher Efficiency and Classroom Dynamics

For teachers, iPads streamline workflow and increase productivity. Apple’s technology offers seamless integration into daily classroom tasks, from managing administrative tasks to delivering hands-on learning experiences. Teachers can use apps to design lesson plans, organise student work, and share real-time feedback with students, fostering a more dynamic and responsive learning environment.

TRIO World Academy is pleased to announce it has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for the 2024–2027 program term. Schools apply and are selected for this distinction based on their commitment to continuous innovation in education and using Apple products to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning.

Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence, with a clear vision for how technology-rich environments support learning goals. In Apple Distinguished Schools, forward-thinking leaders and their communities work to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning, and they have documented results of academic accomplishments.

Schools all over the world are using iPad and Mac to transform learning. As teachers incorporate technology into their lessons, they empower students to lead, learn, and thrive, to discover new opportunities, and to make their world a better place.

The Future of Education in a Technological World

Ultimately, the rise of technology in schools is reshaping the landscape of education, making it more interactive, personalised, and accessible.

As technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly continue to impact schools, bringing both challenges and opportunities. The goal should be to use these tools not just to replicate traditional methods but to reimagine education, preparing students to thrive in a world where technology and innovation are integral to success.