Councillor Danny Gibson was sanctioned by the Standards Commission in 2023 and apologised, vowing to "reflect on my behaviour.” (Image: STIRLING LABOUR PARTY)

Councillor suspended over bullying to chair school violence working group

Critics say they thought Danny Gibson's role was a "sick joke" but others say Standards Commission punishment has been served and SNP are playing politics

by · Daily Record

A councillor sanctioned for bullying behaviour is to chair a working group on violence and aggression in schools, despite a failed attempt to oust him as convener of children and young people.

In June 2023 Stirling North Labour councillor Danny Gibson was found to have breached the Councillor’s Code of Conduct by the Standards Commission and suspended for five months for bullying a senior official and disrespecting staff.

He later apologised and vowed: “I will reflect on my behaviour.”

A hearing had heard he pressured officials, launched a personal attack on a senior officer and belittled staff in front of others at meetings in 2018 and 2019, while serving in a joint SNP/Labour administration.

The Standards Commission for Scotland said the breaches had the “potential to bring the council into disrepute” and that Cllr Gibson’s behaviour was “entirely inappropriate and unacceptable”, branding his conduct bullying.

Councillor Gibson, who is currently convener of the children and young people committee in a minority Labour administration, was unanimously backed by committee members recently - including SNP councillors - to chair a short life working group on violence and aggression in schools as part of that role.

However, a special council meeting called by the SNP group in a bid to have him replaced as convener was held last Thursday, with opposition SNP leader Councillor Scott Farmer saying it “beggars belief that we would have a bully chairing [the group]” and that the council had already agreed he would not represent the authority on external organisations.

Councillor Farmer added: “We feel it is inappropriate for him to be in the position of convener of children and young people. It is adding insult to injury given a short life working group has been established that will be chaired by Councillor Gibson looking into violence, aggression and bullying in schools.”

Independent councillor Alasdair Macpherson said he supported the SNP motion, adding: “The guy’s a bully.

“That’s the fact of the matter. The Standards Commission found that out.

“I thought it was a sick joke actually.

“Imagine a scrutiny for bullying being chaired by a bully. You could not make that up.”

SNP councillor Gerry McLaughlan said: “I can’t look inside Councillor Gibson’s mind. I hope and I believe that there’s perhaps every indication that he has changed. I’d accept that. But it’s perception that matters.

Stirling SNP councillor Gerry McLaughlan (Image: STIRLING SNP)

“Councillor Gibson is a hardworking councillor. We’ve seen that. He’s a man that carries his case passionately.

“But, it’s not the right message. We are just asking for you to rescind this and put someone else in. This just isn’t right.”

Council leader, Labour’s Margaret Brisley, however, said: “As far as I’m concerned the SNP had an opportunity when Cllr Gibson was appointed to CYP. This argument wasn’t brought up when he was appointed as convener at that point and my view is it’s mischief making - politicking of the worst possible sort.

“The matter did go to the Standards Commission. It’s their role to decide what happens and apply sanctions. The incidents we are taking about happened five years ago, although it took a lot longer than that to be dealt with by the Standards Commision. We had another member who had exactly the same censure from the Standards Commission and then was appointed to chair important bodies in this council.

“I see examples of what I class as examples of intimidation and bullying going on all the time - trying to silence people - and I find that totally and utterly unacceptable.

Stirling Council leader Margaret Brisley (Labour) accused the SNP of playing politics (Image: STIRLING LABOUR PARTY)

“It seems to me that it is often for political purposes and that is not correct and I would hope we can move forward in this chamber and have the high standard of debate and respect shown to each other that we should show going forward. Let’s see if that actually happens.

“As far as I’m concerned, once something has been to the Standards Commission and they have made a judgment that is the matter, and should be the matter, finished. Let’s respect their decisions, whether we agree with them or whether we don’t.

“But as far as I’m concerned, you are correct Cllr McLaughlan, he is a very good councillor, he has worked very hard, he served the punishments inflicted by the Standards Commission and that should be the matter finished with.”

An amendment tabled by Councillor Brisley stating it was the “role of the Standards Commission for Scotland to determine case outcomes and apply restrictions” and noting “that those applied in this case ceased last year” was voted through by Labour with backing from the Conservative group.

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