Protests like this outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital will be banned when the buffer zones legislation comes into place next week (Image: Ross Turpie)

Anti abortionists will face fines up to £10,000 if they breach new buffer zones

The new safe access zones around hospitals and clinics will come into force on Tuesday to protect women

by · Daily Record

BUFFER zones around abortion services will come into force next week and anyone breaching them could face fines of thousands of pounds.

The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Act 2024 becomes law on Tuesday making it a criminal offence to behave in ways which could influence the decisions of women and staff to access services, impede their access or otherwise cause alarm, harassment or distress.

But already some anti abortionists are planning a series of protests outside clinics beginning on Wednesday.

Protected zones of 200 metres will be thrown round abortion services with the onus on Police to enforce the Safe Access Zone laws.

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The move follows a campaign, supported by the Daily Record, after growing concern over the activities of anti-abortion protestors outside hospitals.

Anyone breaching the law will be fined up to £10,000 for a summary procedure case. But in cases of the most serious misbehaviour which results in a case tried under solemn procedure the fines will be unlimited.

Determining whether an offence has been committed will be a matter for Police Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and the Courts.

Safe Access Zones will prevent certain activities around clinics and hospitals which provide abortion services including approaching someone to try to persuade them not to access abortion services, surrounding people as they try to go in or out of the clinic or hospital, handing out leaflets, religious preaching and silent vigils.

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