Liberia: House of Representatives’ Plenary Votes to Compel Absent Members to Attend Thursday's Session - FrontPageAfrica

by · FrontPageAfrica


The Plenary of the House of Representatives has voted to compel all members who were absent from today’s session, Tuesday, 22 October, to attend the next session on Thursday, 24 October. This decision was made to ensure that members of the House assemble to perform their duties on behalf of the Liberian people.

The decision was prompted by the inability to meet quorum due to the low number of members present in the chamber. Nimba County Electoral District 7 Representative, Hon. Musa Bility, made a motion quoting Article 33 of the Liberian Constitution of 1986, which states: “A simple majority of each House shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a lower number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members. Whenever the House of Representatives and the Senate shall meet in joint session, the presiding officer of the House of Representatives shall preside.”

In accordance with this constitutional provision, Plenary has instructed the Chief Clerk, Madam Mildred Sayon, to take the necessary actions to ensure that absent members are compelled to join their colleagues in the upcoming session Thursday.
Today’s session was presided over by Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, with Deputy Speaker Thomas P. Fallah serving as co-presiding officer.

The House of Representatives reaffirms its commitment to working in the interest of the Liberian people and urges all members to uphold their responsibilities diligently.

House of Representatives